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时间: 2024-09-29 00:51:40


“Expostulate” 是一个较为正式的英语词汇,指的是劝告、反对或争论,以劝阻某人。以下是15个例句以及它们的中文解释:

1. "She expostulated with her friend for not attending the meeting."

- 她劝告她的朋友不要缺席会议。

2. "The lawyer expostulated with the judge about the unfair ruling."

- 律师对法官的不公裁决提出了异议。

3. "He expostulated against the new policy that he thought would be detrimental."

- 他反对他认为会有害的新政策。

4. "The teacher expostulated with the students over their lack of effort."

- 老师就学生们的努力不足向他们提出了批评。

5. "Despite his expostulation, she decided to go ahead with her plan."

- 尽管他进行了劝阻,她还是决定继续她的计划。

6. "They expostulated with the management about the poor working conditions."

- 他们就恶劣的工作条件向管理层提出了抗议。

7. "I expostulated with my brother about his reckless driving."

- 我劝告我哥哥不要开车太鲁莽。

8. "The diplomat expostulated with the officials about the unfair trade practices."

- 外交官就不公平的贸易做法向官员提出了抗议。

9. "She expostulated with her colleagues about the recent changes in the project."

- 她对项目中的近期变化向同事们提出了异议。

10. "The activist expostulated with the government regarding environmental policies."

- 活动家就环境政策向政府提出了批评。

11. "After much expostulation, the committee finally agreed to revise the proposal."

- 经过多次劝告,委员会最终同意修订提案。

12. "He expostulated with his partner over the decision to cut costs."

- 他对减少开支的决定向合伙人提出了异议。

13. "The parent expostulated with the school board about the curriculum changes."

- 家长就课程变更向学校董事会提出了反对意见。

14. "Despite her expostulation, the project was pushed through."

- 尽管她提出了劝阻,这个项目还是被推进了。

15. "He expostulated strongly with his friend about the risks involved in the venture."

- 他强烈劝告朋友注意这个冒险计划中的风险。


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