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时间: 2024-09-19 11:43:28


Certainly! "Sarcophagous" refers to organisms that feed on flesh or carrion. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. Vultures are well-known for being sarcophagous birds, feeding on the remains of dead animals.

- 秃鹫因为吃死去动物的残骸而闻名。

2. Some beetles are sarcophagous insects, playing a crucial role in decomposition processes.

- 一些甲虫是食腐昆虫,在分解过程中扮演着重要角色。

3. The hyena is a sarcophagous mammal that scavenges for food in the savanna.

- 鬣狗是一种在草原上捡食的食腐哺乳动物。

4. Sarcophagous organisms help clean up carcasses, preventing the spread of disease.

- 食腐生物有助于清理尸体,防止疾病传播。

5. Scavenging birds like crows and ravens are often sarcophagous in nature.

- 乌鸦和渡鸦等食腐鸟类通常具有食腐性质。

6. In the absence of larger predators, sarcophagous insects are crucial for recycling nutrients in the ecosystem.

- 在没有更大的捕食者的情况下,食腐昆虫在生态系统中回收营养物质至关重要。

7. Many small rodents can become sarcophagous if necessary, consuming animal remains to survive.

- 许多小型啮齿动物在必要时可以成为食腐动物,消耗动物尸体以求生存。

8. Sarcophagous fish play a vital role in maintaining the cleanliness of aquatic environments.

- 食腐鱼在保持水域清洁方面发挥着至关重要的作用。

9. Flies are notorious for being sarcophagous insects, often laying their eggs on decaying matter.

- 苍蝇因为喜欢在腐烂物上产卵而臭名昭著。

10. Sarcophagous activity accelerates the decomposition of organic matter in nature.

- 食腐活动加速了自然界有机物的分解。

11. Certain species of bacteria are sarcophagous, breaking down organic compounds for energy.

- 某些细菌种类是食腐的,它们分解有机化合物以获取能量。

12. In a balanced ecosystem, sarcophagous organisms contribute to the efficient cycling of nutrients.

- 在平衡的生态系统中,食腐生物有助于有效循环营养物质。

13. The role of sarcophagous scavengers in nature helps prevent the buildup of rotting organic matter.

- 自然界中食腐清道夫的作用有助于防止腐烂有机物的积聚。

14. Sarcophagous behavior ensures that dead organisms do not go to waste but instead contribute to the ecosystem.

- 食腐行为确保死去的生物不被浪费,而是为生态系统做出贡献。

15. As a sarcophagous species, the jackal plays a key role in cleaning up after larger predators.

- 作为食腐物种,豺在更大捕食者后清理残骸中扮演着关键角色。


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