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时间: 2024-09-17 13:30:30


1. The garden was filled with herbaceous plants such as lavender and thyme. (花园里种满了薰衣草和百里香等多年生植物。)

2. She preferred herbaceous perennials that bloomed throughout the summer. (她喜欢整个夏天都开花的多年生草本植物。)

3. Herbaceous borders are a popular feature in English gardens. (草本植物边界是英国花园中的一种流行特色。)

4. The herbalist recommended a tea made from various herbaceous plants. (草药师建议用多种多年生草本植物泡茶。)

5. Their backyard was adorned with colorful herbaceous flowers. (他们的后院点缀着色彩斑斓的多年生草本花卉。)

6. The herbaceous shrubs in the park attract many butterflies. (公园里的多年生草本灌木吸引了许多蝴蝶。)

7. Herbaceous herbs are often used in culinary dishes for their aromatic qualities. (多年生草本香草因其芳香特性经常用于烹饪中。)

8. The gardeners planted a variety of herbaceous species around the pond. (园丁们在池塘周围种植了多种多年生草本植物。)

9. Herbaceous plants are known for their vibrant colors in the springtime. (多年生草本植物因其春季的鲜艳色彩而闻名。)

10. The botanist studies the biodiversity of herbaceous species in tropical rainforests. (植物学家研究热带雨林中多年生草本植物的生物多样性。)

11. The herbaceous border added a touch of elegance to the landscape design. (多年生草本植物边界为景观设计增添了一丝优雅。)

12. Herbaceous plants are often divided and replanted to maintain their vigor. (多年生草本植物经常分株和重新种植以保持其生机。)

13. The aroma of herbaceous flowers filled the air after the rain. (雨后,多年生草本花卉的香气充满了空气。)

14. The herbaceous garden provided a peaceful retreat for visitors. (多年生草本植物花园为游客提供了一个宁静的休息场所。)

15. Herbaceous ground cover plants are excellent for preventing soil erosion. (多年生草本覆土植物非常适合防止土壤侵蚀。)


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