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时间: 2024-09-29 00:47:48


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "tentacle," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The octopus extended its tentacles to catch its prey.

- 章鱼伸出触手捕捉猎物。

2. The company's tentacles reach into various sectors of the economy.

- 公司的触角延伸到经济的各个领域。

3. Political corruption often has tentacles that stretch far beyond what's immediately apparent.

- 政治腐败往往涉及远超眼前所见的范围。

4. The organization's tentacles in the community helped it maintain influence.

- 组织在社区中的触角帮助其保持影响力。

5. The cult's tentacles were deeply embedded in local politics.

- 邪教的触手深深扎根于地方政治中。

6. The tentacles of bureaucracy can slow down decision-making processes.

- 官僚主义的触手可能会减缓决策过程。

7. The tentacle of poverty affects generations in disadvantaged communities.

- 贫困的触角影响到弱势社区中的几代人。

8. The multinational corporation's tentacles spread across continents.

- 跨国公司的触角遍布各大洲。

9. She felt the tentacles of fear grip her heart.

- 她感觉到恐惧的触手抓住了她的心。

10. The artist's creativity had tentacles that reached into music and literature as well.

- 艺术家的创造力触及到音乐和文学领域。

11. The tentacles of addiction can be difficult to escape.

- 成瘾的触手难以摆脱。

12. The tentacle of influence from the family was strong in shaping her career choices.

- 家庭的影响触角对她的职业选择产生了重要影响。

13. The political scandal had tentacles that implicated many high-ranking officials.

- 政治丑闻牵连出许多高级官员。

14. The corporation's tentacles in media ensured favorable coverage.

- 公司在媒体上的触手确保了良好的报道。

15. The tentacles of modern technology have revolutionized communication.

- 现代技术的触手彻底改变了通讯方式。


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