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时间: 2024-09-29 00:50:48



1. The streets were unsafe at night due to roaming ruffians. (由于游荡的流氓,夜晚的街道并不安全。)

2. He was known to be a ruffian who intimidated others for money. (他是个以恐吓他人索要钱财而闻名的恶棍。)

3. The tavern was frequented by a group of rowdy ruffians. (这家酒馆经常有一群喧闹的恶棍光顾。)

4. The ruffian was apprehended by the police after causing a disturbance. (这个恶棍在引起骚乱后被警察逮捕。)

5. Despite his appearance, he was no ruffian but a well-educated gentleman. (尽管他的外表凶恶,但他并非恶棍,而是一个受过良好教育的绅士。)

6. The novel's protagonist had to fend off ruffians on his journey. (小说的主人公在旅途中不得不击退一些恶棍。)

7. Local authorities cracked down on the ruffian gangs plaguing the neighborhood. (当地当局打击了困扰社区的恶棍团伙。)

8. The merchant hired guards to protect his goods from ruffians. (这位商人雇佣了保镖来保护他的货物免受恶棍的侵害。)

9. The ruffian's threats were met with defiance by the townspeople. (镇上的居民对恶棍的威胁表示反抗。)

10. The tavern keeper refused to serve the group of ruffians due to their unruly behavior. (酒馆老板因为这群恶棍的粗鲁行为而拒绝为他们服务。)

11. The ruffian attempted to pick a fight with the wrong person and regretted it instantly. (这个恶棍企图与错误的人发生争执,立刻感到后悔。)

12. Despite his ruffian exterior, he had a soft spot for stray animals. (尽管他外表像个恶棍,但他对流浪动物有一种柔情。)

13. The village elders warned the youth about the dangers of joining ruffian gangs. (村里的长老们警告年轻人不要加入恶棍团伙,因为这很危险。)

14. The ruffian's gang was known for their acts of vandalism and theft. (这个恶棍团伙以破坏和偷窃行为而闻名。)

15. The ruffian was finally rehabilitated after spending years in prison. (这个恶棍在监狱度过数年后最终得到了改造。)


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