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时间: 2024-09-20 01:06:43


Certainly! "Forbearance" refers to patience, self-control, and tolerance. Here are 15 sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. She showed great forbearance in dealing with her difficult coworkers, always maintaining a calm and composed demeanor. (她在处理棘手的同事时表现出极大的忍耐力,总是保持着冷静和沉着的态度。)

2. Despite facing numerous setbacks, he exhibited forbearance and perseverance, never giving up on his dreams. (尽管面临诸多挫折,他表现出了忍耐和坚韧,从未放弃自己的梦想。)

3. The teacher praised the student for his forbearance in the face of unfair criticism from classmates. (老师称赞这位学生面对同学们不公正的批评时的忍耐力。)

4. With forbearance, she endured the pain of betrayal and eventually found peace within herself. (她以忍耐心忍受了背叛的痛苦,最终在内心找到了平静。)

5. The negotiations required a great deal of forbearance on both sides, but eventually a compromise was reached. (谈判双方都需要极大的忍耐力,但最终达成了妥协。)

6. His forbearance during the lengthy legal battle was admirable, never losing his temper despite the provocations. (他在漫长的法律斗争中表现出的忍耐力令人钦佩,尽管遭到挑衅,却从未发脾气。)

7. The elderly man's forbearance was evident as he patiently listened to his grandchildren's energetic chatter. (这位老人的忍耐力显而易见,他耐心地听着孙辈们充满活力的闲聊。)

8. The monk's teachings emphasized the importance of forbearance in achieving inner peace and enlightenment. (这位僧侣的教导强调了通过忍耐力实现内心平和和启迪的重要性。)

9. She handled the criticism with forbearance, choosing to respond calmly rather than react emotionally. (她以忍耐心处理批评,选择冷静回应而不是情绪化反应。)

10. In times of adversity, the community relied on their collective forbearance to overcome challenges together. (在逆境中,社区依靠集体的忍耐力共同克服挑战。)

11. The leader's forbearance and wisdom guided the team through turbulent times, ensuring stability and growth. (领导者的忍耐力和智慧引导团队度过了动荡时期,确保了稳定和增长。)

12. The elderly couple demonstrated forbearance in managing their limited resources, making careful decisions to sustain their livelihood. (这对老年夫妇在管理有限资源方面表现出了忍耐力,做出谨慎的决策以维持生计。)

13. Despite the heated debate, the committee members maintained a spirit of forbearance and mutual respect. (尽管辩论激烈,委员会成员保持了忍耐和相互尊重的精神。)

14. His forbearance in forgiving those who wronged him demonstrated his strength of character and compassion. (他原谅那些伤害过他的人所表现出的忍耐力展示了他的性格力量和同情心。)

15. The novel's protagonist faced adversity with forbearance, inspiring readers with her resilience and grace. (小说的主人公以忍耐力面对逆境,她的坚韧和优雅激励了读者。)


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