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时间: 2024-09-19 11:50:32


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations for the word "discordant":

1. The discordant notes from the piano interrupted the peaceful atmosphere of the room. (钢琴发出的不和谐音符打破了房间里的宁静氛围。)

2. Their opinions on the matter were discordant, making it difficult to reach a consensus. (他们在这个问题上的意见不一致,很难达成一致意见。)

3. The artist intentionally created a discordant mix of colors in his painting to evoke discomfort. (艺术家故意在画中创造了不和谐的色彩混合,以引起不适感。)

4. The discordant sound of construction vehicles outside disturbed the residents. (外面建筑车辆的不和谐声音打扰了居民。)

5. Their relationship became increasingly discordant after the argument. (他们的关系在争吵之后变得越来越不和谐。)

6. The politician's speech was marked by discordant statements that confused the audience. (政治家的讲话充满了令人困惑的不和谐声明。)

7. Despite their best efforts, the band struggled with discordant harmonies during the performance. (尽管他们尽了最大努力,但乐队在演出中仍然无法处理好不和谐的和声。)

8. The meeting ended on a discordant note when no agreement could be reached. (由于达不成一致意见,会议以不和谐的情绪结束了。)

9. The painting displayed a clash of discordant colors that challenged traditional aesthetics. (这幅画展示了不和谐色彩的冲突,挑战了传统美学观念。)

10. The teacher noticed a discordant relationship between the students and aimed to resolve it. (老师注意到学生之间的关系不和谐,希望解决这个问题。)

11. The orchestra's performance was marred by discordant tones that detracted from its overall quality. (管弦乐队的表演因为不和谐的音调而受到影响,影响了整体质量。)

12. Her outfit was a discordant mix of formal and casual elements, drawing attention for all the wrong reasons. (她的服装混合了正式和休闲元素,因为吸引了不适当的注意。)

13. The discordant voices in the debate reflected the deep divisions within the community. (辩论中的不和谐声音反映了社区内部的深刻分歧。)

14. His novel juxtaposes discordant themes of love and betrayal against a backdrop of war. (他的小说将爱与背叛这两种不和谐的主题置于战争的背景下进行对比。)

15. The discordant relationship between the two countries led to prolonged negotiations. (两国之间的不和谐关系导致了长时间的谈判。)

上一个 【英语】intoxicant的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】repentant的例句



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