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时间: 2024-09-19 11:37:47


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using "drunkard," along with their Chinese translations:

1. The village drunkard stumbled home late at night.

- 村里的酒鬼深夜摇摇晃晃地回家了。

2. He was known around town as a notorious drunkard.

- 他在镇上以酒鬼出名。

3. The old man had once been a respected scholar before he became a hopeless drunkard.

- 这位老人曾经是备受尊敬的学者,但后来成了无可救药的酒鬼。

4. Despite his family's pleas, he continued to drink, becoming more and more of a drunkard.

- 尽管家人苦苦相劝,他仍然继续饮酒,变得愈发成了一个酒鬼。

5. The story portrayed him not as a romantic poet but as a pitiful drunkard.

- 这个故事把他描绘成一个可怜的酒鬼,而不是浪漫的诗人。

6. The local drunkard spent most of his days at the bar.

- 当地的酒鬼大部分时间都在酒吧里度过。

7. She couldn't bear to see her father turn into a drunkard.

- 她无法忍受看到父亲变成一个酒鬼。

8. The novel's protagonist struggles with his inner demons, often seeking solace as a drunkard.

- 小说的主人公与内心的恶魔搏斗,常常作为一个酒鬼寻找慰藉。

9. The town's drunkard was often the subject of gossip among the locals.

- 小镇的酒鬼经常成为当地人八卦的话题。

10. After losing his job, he spiraled into becoming a hopeless drunkard.

- 失业后,他陷入了成为一个无可救药的酒鬼的境地。

11. She couldn't understand why he chose to live as a drunkard when he had so much potential.

- 她不明白为什么他选择成为一个酒鬼,尽管他有如此多的潜力。

12. The drunkard's behavior at the party embarrassed everyone.

- 酒鬼在派对上的行为让所有人都感到尴尬。

13. His friends tried to intervene before he became a complete drunkard.

- 他的朋友们试图在他变成彻底的酒鬼之前进行干预。

14. The film portrayed the tragic life of a talented artist who ended up as a drunkard.

- 这部电影描绘了一个天才艺术家的悲惨生活,最终成为了一个酒鬼。

15. Despite his promising career, he fell into the trap of alcoholism and became a miserable drunkard.

- 尽管他事业前景看好,他却陷入了酗酒的陷阱,成了一个可怜的酒鬼。


上一个 【英语】cellar的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】laggard的例句



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