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时间: 2024-09-19 11:40:44



1. The spy managed to infiltrate the enemy headquarters without being detected. (间谍成功潜入敌方总部而未被发现。)

2. Criminals attempted to infiltrate the organization to gather insider information. (罪犯试图渗透该组织以获取内部信息。)

3. Moisture began to infiltrate the basement walls, causing mold to grow. (湿气开始渗透地下室墙壁,导致霉菌生长。)

4. The hacker group attempted to infiltrate the company's network to steal data. (黑客组织试图渗透公司的网络以窃取数据。)

5. Efforts were made to infiltrate the drug cartel by undercover agents. (卧底特工们努力渗透贩毒集团。)

6. The virus was able to infiltrate the computer system due to a security loophole. (由于安全漏洞,病毒得以渗透计算机系统。)

7. Corrupt officials attempted to infiltrate the election process to manipulate results. (腐败官员试图渗透选举过程以操纵结果。)

8. The infiltrate of inflammatory cells into the tissue caused swelling and pain. (炎性细胞的渗透导致组织肿胀和疼痛。)

9. Their mission was to infiltrate the gang and gather evidence for prosecution. (他们的任务是渗透这个帮派并收集证据以进行起诉。)

10. Smoke began to infiltrate the cabin as the fire spread. (随着火势蔓延,烟雾开始渗入机舱。)

11. The government aimed to infiltrate terrorist organizations to dismantle them from within. (政府旨在渗透恐怖组织以从内部摧毁它们。)

12. They used disguises to infiltrate the enemy lines undetected. (他们使用伪装潜入敌人阵线而未被发现。)

13. The invasive species began to infiltrate the local ecosystem, disrupting its balance. (入侵物种开始渗入当地生态系统,破坏其平衡。)

14. Intelligence agencies work to infiltrate terrorist networks to gather actionable intelligence. (情报机构努力渗透恐怖网络以收集可操作的情报。)

15. Chemicals from the spill began to infiltrate the groundwater, posing an environmental threat. (溢出物中的化学物质开始渗入地下水,构成环境威胁。)


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