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时间: 2024-09-29 00:54:55



1. The book provides authoritative guidance on financial planning.(这本书提供了关于财务规划的权威指导。)

2. She is known for her authoritative research in the field of biology.(她因在生物学领域的权威研究而闻名。)

3. The government issued an authoritative statement regarding the new policy.(政府发布了一份关于新政策的权威声明。)

4. The professor's authoritative demeanor commanded respect from his students.(教授权威的举止赢得了学生们的尊敬。)

5. This encyclopedia is considered authoritative in the field of linguistics.(这部百科全书在语言学领域被认为是权威的。)

6. Only an authoritative source can confirm the accuracy of these claims.(只有权威的来源才能确认这些声明的准确性。)

7. The judge cited an authoritative precedent in reaching his decision.(法官引用了一个权威的先例来作出他的决定。)

8. The CEO's authoritative leadership style brought stability to the company.(CEO 的权威领导风格为公司带来了稳定。)

9. This dictionary is widely regarded as authoritative in the study of English language.(这本词典在英语语言研究中被广泛认为是权威的。)

10. The committee seeks an authoritative opinion on the matter before making a decision.(委员会在做出决定之前寻求有关这个问题的权威意见。)

11. His authoritative voice commanded attention in the crowded room.(他权威的声音在拥挤的房间里引起了注意。)

12. Scientists rely on authoritative journals to publish their research findings.(科学家依赖权威期刊来发表他们的研究成果。)

13. The historian's book is considered the most authoritative account of the war.(这位历史学家的书被认为是对战争最权威的描述。)

14. The newspaper article quoted an authoritative source close to the investigation.(报纸文章引用了一位接近调查的权威消息来源。)

15. The committee accepted her report as authoritative on the subject.(委员会接受了她在这个主题上的权威报告。)


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