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时间: 2024-09-17 14:05:03


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "hearten" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The team's victory heartened their fans after a series of losses. (球队的胜利让他们的粉丝在一连串的失利后振奋起来。)

2. Her words of encouragement heartened him before his big presentation. (她的鼓励话语让他在重要演讲之前感到振奋。)

3. The positive feedback from the teacher heartened the student to keep working hard. (老师的正面反馈鼓舞了学生继续努力。)

4. The support of her friends heartened Sarah during a difficult time. (朋友们的支持在萨拉艰难时期使她感到振奋。)

5. The arrival of reinforcements heartened the soldiers on the front lines. (增援部队的到来让前线士兵感到振奋。)

6. The unexpected good news heartened the entire community. (意外的好消息让整个社区振奋起来。)

7. The company's decision to invest in new technology heartened employees about future prospects. (公司决定投资新技术让员工对未来前景感到振奋。)

8. His determination to succeed despite setbacks heartened his family. (尽管遭遇挫折,他仍决心成功,这让他的家人感到振奋。)

9. The teacher's kind words heartened the shy student to participate more in class. (老师的好话让害羞的学生振作起来更多地参与课堂。)

10. The charity's efforts to help the homeless heartened the entire community. (慈善组织帮助无家可归者的努力让整个社区感到振奋。)

11. The unexpected improvement in his health heartened his worried family. (他健康状况的意外好转让他担心的家人感到振奋。)

12. The mayor's speech heartened citizens about the city's future development. (市长的讲话让市民对城市未来的发展感到振奋。)

13. The success of the fundraising campaign heartened everyone involved in the cause. (筹款活动的成功让所有参与其中的人感到振奋。)

14. The community's response to the disaster heartened rescue workers. (社区对灾难的响应让救援人员感到振奋。)

15. Her perseverance in the face of adversity heartened others facing similar challenges. (面对困境,她的坚持让其他面临类似挑战的人感到振奋。)


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