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时间: 2024-09-17 14:03:29


1. The missionaries worked tirelessly to convert the heathens to Christianity. (传教士们不知疲倦地努力将异教徒皈依基督教。)

2. In some remote areas, tribes still practice ancient heathen rituals. (在一些偏远地区,部落仍然在进行古老的异教仪式。)

3. The explorer encountered a group of heathen worshippers deep in the jungle. (探险家在丛林深处遇到了一群异教崇拜者。)

4. He described the indigenous people as heathens due to their belief in nature spirits. (由于其信仰自然灵魂,他将土著人描述为异教徒。)

5. The medieval crusaders viewed Muslims as heathens who needed to be converted. (中世纪的十字军将穆斯林视为需要皈依的异教徒。)

6. The novel depicted a clash between the heathen tribes and the invading settlers. (这部小说描绘了异教部落与侵略性移民之间的冲突。)

7. She found herself immersed in the culture of the heathen islanders she had studied for years. (她发现自己沉浸在多年来研究的异教岛民的文化中。)

8. According to tradition, offerings were made to appease the heathen gods. (根据传统,人们会献祭以安抚异教神灵。)

9. The missionary's efforts to convert the heathen population were met with resistance. (传教士试图皈依异教徒遭遇到了抵抗。)

10. The community refused to allow heathen practices to influence their way of life. (社区拒绝让异教习俗影响他们的生活方式。)

11. The ancient ruins were once a center of heathen worship. (古代遗迹曾经是异教崇拜的中心。)

12. The heathen ceremony included chanting and ritualistic dances. (异教仪式包括吟诵和仪式舞蹈。)

13. Some scholars argue that labeling other cultures as heathen is ethnocentric. (一些学者认为,将其他文化标签为异教是种族中心主义的表现。)

14. The missionaries faced challenges in understanding the customs of the heathen tribes they sought to convert. (传教士在理解试图皈依的异教部落的习俗时面临挑战。)

15. Over time, the heathen festival became integrated into local traditions. (随着时间的推移,异教节日融入了当地的传统。)


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