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时间: 2024-09-29 04:56:18



1. The planet's atmosphere is mostly gaseous.

- 这个星球的大气层主要是气态的。

2. Gaseous hydrogen is used as fuel in rocket engines.

- 气态氢被用作火箭发动机的燃料。

3. The experiment measured the volume of gaseous emissions.

- 实验测量了气体排放的体积。

4. Gaseous state is one of the three fundamental states of matter.

- 气态是物质的三种基本状态之一。

5. The scientist studied the properties of gaseous molecules.

- 科学家研究了气态分子的性质。

6. In gaseous form, the substance is much less dense than in its liquid state.

- 以气态形式存在时,该物质的密度远低于液态时的密度。

7. Gaseous pollutants can have a serious impact on air quality.

- 气体污染物对空气质量有严重影响。

8. The gaseous byproducts of the reaction were collected in a separate container.

- 反应产生的气体副产品被收集在一个单独的容器中。

9. Gaseous exchange occurs in the lungs of mammals.

- 气体交换发生在哺乳动物的肺部。

10. The gaseous phase of the element is used in various industrial processes.

- 该元素的气态形式用于各种工业过程。

11. The laboratory observed the gaseous diffusion of the chemical compound.

- 实验室观察了化学化合物的气体扩散。

12. The gaseous mixture was analyzed for its component gases.

- 气体混合物被分析了其组成气体。

13. During the process, the solid turned into a gaseous state.

- 在过程中,固体变成了气态。

14. The gaseous state of the compound is less stable than its liquid state.

- 该化合物的气态比液态不稳定。

15. Gaseous fuels are often used in power generation due to their efficiency.

- 气体燃料由于其高效性,常被用于发电。


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