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时间: 2024-09-10 06:44:55



1. She was very sympathetic towards the victims of the natural disaster.

- 她对自然灾害的受害者非常同情。

2. He gave a sympathetic nod as she told her story.

- 当她讲述她的故事时,他给了一个表示同情的点头。

3. The sympathetic teacher helped the student with his difficult homework.

- 这位富有同情心的老师帮助学生解决了困难的作业。

4. Her sympathetic nature made her popular among her friends.

- 她富有同情心的天性使她在朋友中很受欢迎。

5. The sympathetic response from the community was overwhelming.

- 社区对这一事件的同情反应是压倒性的。

6. He gave a sympathetic ear to his friend's problems.

- 他倾听了朋友的问题,表现出同情心。

7. The sympathetic comments on the blog were appreciated by the writer.

- 博客上的同情评论得到了作者的赞赏。

8. She offered a sympathetic smile after hearing the bad news.

- 听到坏消息后,她给了一个表示同情的微笑。

9. The sympathetic portrayal of the character was well-received by critics.

- 对角色的同情刻画得到了评论家的好评。

10. His sympathetic response to her distress showed his true character.

- 他对她痛苦的同情反应显示了他的真实品格。

11. The doctor was sympathetic to the patient's concerns about the surgery.

- 医生对病人对手术的担忧表示同情。

12. She wrote a sympathetic letter to her friend who was going through a tough time.

- 她写了一封充满同情的信给正在经历艰难时期的朋友。

13. The sympathetic attitude of the staff made the difficult situation easier to handle.

- 员工们的同情态度使困难的局面变得更容易处理。

14. His sympathetic approach helped calm down the upset child.

- 他富有同情心的方法帮助平静了那个不安的孩子。

15. The sympathetic remarks during the meeting were meant to comfort the team.

- 会议中的同情性言辞旨在安慰团队。


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