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时间: 2024-09-29 00:50:58


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "imperceptible" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The changes to the painting were so subtle that they were imperceptible to the untrained eye. (这幅画的变化如此微妙,以至于不训练过的眼睛难以察觉。)

2. The thief moved with imperceptible steps, trying not to make a sound. (小偷迈着几乎察觉不到的步伐,努力不发出声音。)

3. Over time, her accent became imperceptible, blending seamlessly with the locals. (随着时间的推移,她的口音变得几乎察觉不到,与当地人融为一体。)

4. The clock ticked away in the corner, its movement imperceptible but constant. (时钟在角落里滴答作响,它的运动微不可见但是持续不断。)

5. His recovery from the illness was slow but steady, with imperceptible improvements each day. (他从疾病中恢复得很慢但是很稳定,每天都有微不可见的改善。)

6. The difference in taste between the two coffees was imperceptible to most people. (对大多数人来说,这两种咖啡的味道差异微不可见。)

7. She smiled an imperceptible smile, knowing she had won the argument. (她微微一笑,心知自己赢得了争论。)

8. The cars moved forward in imperceptible increments due to the heavy traffic. (由于交通拥堵,车辆缓慢地微微前进。)

9. The artist adjusted the colors with imperceptible changes, aiming for perfection. (艺术家微调颜色,进行微不可见的改变,力求完美。)

10. His criticism was subtle yet effective, with an imperceptible sting. (他的批评微妙而有效,带着微不可见的刺痛。)

11. Time passed imperceptibly as they lost themselves in conversation. (他们沉浸在谈话中,时间无声无息地流逝。)

12. The thief's movements were imperceptible in the darkness of the night. (在黑夜中,小偷的动作几乎察觉不到。)

13. The temperature in the room dropped imperceptibly, yet enough to cause discomfort. (房间的温度微微下降,虽然难以察觉,但足以引起不适。)

14. Her voice was so soft that her words were often imperceptible in noisy environments. (她的声音很轻柔,所以在嘈杂的环境中她的话经常难以听清。)

15. The actor's performance was nuanced, with imperceptible shifts in emotion. (演员的表演细腻,情感变化微妙而几乎察觉不到。)


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