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时间: 2024-09-19 11:33:04


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with explanations in Chinese for the word "crevice":

1. The flashlight revealed a small crevice in the rock where the treasure was hidden. (手电筒照出了岩石中的一个小裂缝,藏着宝藏。)

2. They found a crevice in the wall where they could hear voices from the other side. (他们发现了墙壁上的一个裂缝,能听到另一边的声音。)

3. The lizard squeezed through a narrow crevice in the garden fence. (蜥蜴从花园篱笆上的一个狭窄裂缝中挤了过去。)

4. He noticed a crevice in the ceiling where water was dripping through. (他注意到天花板上有一个裂缝,水从中滴落下来。)

5. The archaeologists found ancient artifacts hidden in a crevice of the cave. (考古学家在洞穴的一个裂缝中发现了古代文物。)

6. A small insect crawled out from a crevice in the wooden floorboards. (一只小昆虫从木地板的一个裂缝中爬了出来。)

7. She placed her keys safely in a crevice between the sofa cushions. (她把钥匙安全地放在沙发靠垫之间的一个缝隙里。)

8. The mountaineers used pitons to secure their ropes in the crevices of the cliff. (登山者们用岩钉把绳索固定在悬崖的裂缝中。)

9. The old house had many crevices where drafts of cold air seeped in during winter. (老房子有许多裂缝,在冬天会渗进冷风。)

10. Weeds were growing in the crevices of the pavement. (杂草在人行道的裂缝中生长。)

11. The glacier had deep crevices that made crossing it dangerous. (冰川上有深深的裂缝,横穿它很危险。)

12. They found the missing earrings tucked away in a crevice of the jewelry box. (他们在珠宝盒的一个裂缝里找到了丢失的耳环。)

13. The hikers took shelter in a crevice of the mountain during the storm. (登山者们在暴风雨期间躲进了山洞的一个裂缝里。)

14. The cat squeezed into a crevice under the door to hide from the dog. (猫挤进门下的一个裂缝里躲避狗。)

15. The old map had a crevice where it had been folded for many years. (那张旧地图有一个裂缝,是因为多年来被折叠的缘故。)


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