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时间: 2024-09-29 03:01:55


Certainly! "Turgid" means swollen, bloated, or excessively ornate in style, typically of language. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. His prose was so turgid that it was difficult to understand the main points. (他的散文非常晦涩,让人很难理解主要观点。)

2. The speaker's turgid speech bored the audience to sleep. (演讲者冗长晦涩的演讲让听众昏昏欲睡。)

3. The novel was criticized for its turgid descriptions that added little to the plot. (这部小说因为那些冗长晦涩的描写而受到批评,这些描写对情节几乎没有贡献。)

4. The academic article was filled with turgid jargon, making it inaccessible to most readers. (这篇学术文章充斥着晦涩的术语,使得大多数读者难以理解。)

5. Her writing style evolved from turgid to clear and concise over the years. (多年来,她的写作风格从晦涩逐渐变得清晰简洁起来。)

6. The committee's report was criticized for its turgid and convoluted reasoning. (委员会的报告因其晦涩复杂的推理而受到批评。)

7. The speech was turgid with unnecessary detail, losing the audience's interest. (演讲充斥着不必要的细节,导致听众失去了兴趣。)

8. The poem's turgid language obscured its intended emotional impact. (这首诗的晦涩语言掩盖了其预期的情感冲击。)

9. His writing style was criticized for being overly turgid and lacking in clarity. (他的写作风格因为过于晦涩而缺乏清晰性而受到批评。)

10. The author's turgid prose distracted from the novel's otherwise compelling narrative. (作者晦涩的散文分散了小说本应引人入胜的叙事。)

11. The textbook's turgid explanations made it difficult for students to grasp the concepts. (教科书晦涩的解释让学生难以理解概念。)

12. The speech was criticized for its turgid delivery, lacking energy and enthusiasm. (演讲因为发言枯燥无味、缺乏活力而受到批评。)

13. The film's dialogue was unnecessarily turgid, overshadowing the otherwise beautiful cinematography. (这部电影的对话不必要地晦涩,掩盖了其它方面精美的摄影。)

14. The artist's turgid style of painting was admired by some and misunderstood by others. (艺术家晦涩的绘画风格受到一些人的赞赏,却被另一些人误解。)

15. The scientific paper's turgid prose hindered its accessibility to non-experts. (这篇科学论文晦涩的散文限制了非专家的理解和接触。)


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