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时间: 2024-09-20 07:04:56



1. The elephantine creature lumbered through the dense jungle. (这头庞大的生物在茂密的丛林中缓慢移动。)

2. The elephantine task of rebuilding the city after the earthquake was daunting. (地震后重建城市的艰巨任务令人望而生畏。)

3. Her elephantine memory allowed her to recall every detail of that day. (她过人的记忆力让她能够回忆起那一天的每个细节。)

4. The company struggled with its elephantine bureaucracy. (公司苦于笨重的官僚主义。)

5. The elephantine car struggled to climb the steep hill. (这辆庞大的汽车艰难地爬上陡峭的山坡。)

6. Dealing with the elephantine paperwork required enormous patience. (处理庞大的文书工作需要极大的耐心。)

7. The elephantine trunk of the tree reached out over the river. (树的粗大树干伸展到了河面上。)

8. He moved with elephantine grace despite his size. (尽管身材庞大,他动作优雅。)

9. The elephantine bridge spanned the wide river. (这座宽广的桥梁横跨了大河。)

10. The elephantine rock formations dominated the landscape. (庞大的岩石形成主宰了这片景观。)

11. The elephantine crowds filled the stadium. (庞大的人群填满了体育场。)

12. The elephantine cargo ship struggled against the rough seas. (庞大的货船在汹涌的海面上奋力前行。)

13. His elephantine appetite surprised everyone at the table. (他那惊人的食量让在座的每个人都感到惊讶。)

14. The elephantine wings of the aircraft spread wide before takeoff. (飞机的巨大机翼在起飞前展开。)

15. The elephantine structure of the ancient temple impressed visitors. (古老寺庙的庞大结构给游客留下了深刻印象。)


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