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时间: 2024-10-06 19:59:50


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "pristine" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The archaeologists discovered artifacts in pristine condition deep within the cave. (考古学家在洞穴深处发现了保存完好的文物。)

2. She kept her grandmother's china in pristine condition, rarely using it for fear of damage. (她把祖母的瓷器保存得完好无损,很少使用,以免损坏。)

3. The lake was so clear and pristine that you could see straight to the bottom. (湖水清澈透明,如此纯净,可以直接看到湖底。)

4. The conservationists worked tirelessly to preserve the pristine beauty of the national park. (保育人员不知疲倦地努力保护国家公园的原始美。)

5. He found a pristine copy of his favorite childhood book at the used bookstore. (他在二手书店找到了一本他最喜欢的童年读物的完美无缺的副本。)

6. The developers promised to build their resort in a way that would not disturb the pristine environment. (开发商承诺会以不干扰原始环境的方式建造度假村。)

7. The old house had a pristine charm that attracted buyers despite its need for renovation. (这座老房子有一种原始的魅力,吸引了买家,尽管它需要翻修。)

8. The artist's studio was kept in pristine order, every paintbrush and canvas meticulously arranged. (艺术家的工作室被保持得整洁无比,每支画笔和画布都被精心摆放。)

9. After hours of hiking, they finally reached a pristine waterfall hidden in the mountains. (经过数小时的徒步旅行,他们终于来到了藏在山中的一处原始瀑布。)

10. The researchers were amazed to find a pristine ecosystem thriving in the depths of the ocean. (研究人员惊讶地发现,海洋深处存在着一个繁荣的原始生态系统。)

11. The ancient ruins were a testament to the once pristine civilization that thrived there centuries ago. (古代遗迹见证了数个世纪前曾在那里繁荣兴盛的原始文明。)

12. The beach was pristine, with untouched sands stretching as far as the eye could see. (海滩保持着原始状态,眼睛所及之处都是未经触碰的沙滩。)

13. The mountain air was so clean and pristine that city dwellers often visited for a breath of fresh air. (山里的空气非常清新,如此原始,以至于城市居民常常前来呼吸新鲜空气。)

14. The newly built cabin blended perfectly with its pristine surroundings, almost invisible among the trees. (新建的小屋与周围的原始环境完美融合,几乎在树木间隐形。)

15. The expedition aimed to explore and document the pristine wilderness of the uncharted island. (这次探险的目标是探索和记录这座未知岛屿上的原始荒野。)


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