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时间: 2024-09-20 01:02:58



1. She was the heroine of the novel, bravely leading her people to freedom. (她是小说中的女主角,勇敢地领导她的人民走向自由。)

2. The movie tells the story of a fearless heroine who fought against injustice. (这部电影讲述了一个无畏的女英雄对抗不义的故事。)

3. In many fairy tales, the heroine is portrayed as kind-hearted and wise. (在许多童话故事中,女主角被描绘为心地善良且智慧的人。)

4. The novel's heroine overcame numerous obstacles to achieve her dreams. (小说的女主角克服了许多障碍来实现她的梦想。)

5. She is considered a heroine for her efforts in promoting education for girls in her community. (她因努力推动社区内女童教育而被视为女英雄。)

6. The play's heroine sacrifices her own happiness for the sake of her family. (这部戏剧的女主角为了家庭的利益牺牲了自己的幸福。)

7. Throughout history, there have been many unsung heroines whose contributions were crucial but often overlooked. (在历史上,有许多不为人知的女英雄,她们的贡献至关重要,但经常被忽视。)

8. The heroine of the story showed remarkable courage in the face of danger. (故事的女主角在危险面前表现出了非凡的勇气。)

9. She emerged as a national heroine after leading her country to victory in the war. (在战争中带领她的国家取得胜利后,她成为了国家的女英雄。)

10. The novel's heroine is a symbol of resilience and hope. (这部小说的女主角是坚韧和希望的象征。)

11. She became a heroine in her community for standing up against corruption. (她因站出来反对腐败而在她的社区里成为了女英雄。)

12. The heroine of the movie inspired many with her determination and compassion. (电影的女主角以她的决心和同情心激励了许多人。)

13. As a firefighter, she was hailed as a local heroine for saving several lives during the fire. (作为一名消防员,在火灾期间救了几条人命,她被誉为当地的女英雄。)

14. The heroine of the opera defied societal norms to pursue her true passion. (歌剧的女主角违背了社会规范,追求她真正的激情。)

15. She is remembered as a national heroine for her role in advancing civil rights. (她因在推进公民权利方面的作用而被铭记为国家的女英雄。)


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