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时间: 2024-09-20 01:15:21


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "consolation" along with their Chinese translations:

1. After failing the exam, her friends offered words of consolation to cheer her up. (考试失败后,她的朋友们安慰她的话让她感到欣慰。)

2. The team found consolation in the fact that they had played their best despite losing the game. (尽管比赛输了,但团队安慰于他们尽了最大努力。)

3. Music has always been a source of consolation for him during difficult times. (音乐在他困难时期一直是他的慰藉。)

4. She sought consolation in the company of her family after the loss of her pet. (失去宠物后,她在家人的陪伴中寻找慰藉。)

5. His presence was a great consolation to her when she was feeling lonely. (当她感到孤独时,他的存在是她的极大安慰。)

6. The sincere apology served as some consolation for the misunderstanding. (真诚的道歉为误解带来了一些安慰。)

7. The kind words of the stranger offered unexpected consolation to the grieving widow. (陌生人的亲切话语给悲伤的寡妇带来了意外的慰藉。)

8. In moments of despair, finding consolation in faith can provide solace. (在绝望时刻,信仰的慰藉可以带来安慰。)

9. Despite the loss, he found some consolation in the knowledge that he had tried his best. (尽管失败了,他在于知道自己尽了最大努力中找到了些许慰藉。)

10. The community rallied around the family, offering prayers and consolation during their time of grief. (社区团结一致,为这个家庭在悲伤时刻祈祷并提供慰藉。)

11. Literature often serves as a source of consolation and reflection in times of hardship. (文学常常在艰难时期作为慰藉和反思的来源。)

12. She derived consolation from the fact that her efforts were recognized and appreciated by her colleagues. (她从她的努力得到了同事们的认可和赞赏中找到了慰藉。)

13. His friends offered him heartfelt consolation after the loss of his job. (失业后,朋友们给了他真诚的慰藉。)

14. The beauty of nature provided him with much-needed consolation after a stressful week. (在一个紧张的一周后,大自然的美景给了他急需的慰藉。)

15. The support from her family and friends was a great source of consolation during her illness. (在病痛中,家人和朋友的支持是她极大的慰藉。)


上一个 【英语】affiliation的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】accordion的例句



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