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时间: 2024-10-05 18:20:18



1. "Albinism is a genetic condition where individuals are born with little or no pigment in their skin, hair, and eyes."

- 白化病是一种遗传疾病,患者的皮肤、头发和眼睛几乎没有色素。

2. "People with albinism are more susceptible to skin cancer due to their lack of melanin."

- 患有白化病的人由于缺乏黑色素,皮肤癌的风险更高。

3. "Albinism can affect people of all ethnic backgrounds and races."

- 白化病可以影响所有种族和民族的人群。

4. "In animals, albinism is often noticeable because of their unusual white fur or feathers."

- 在动物中,白化病通常通过其不寻常的白色毛发或羽毛显现出来。

5. "There are different types of albinism, such as ocular albinism and oculocutaneous albinism."

- 白化病有不同的类型,例如眼部白化病和眼皮肤白化病。

6. "Education about albinism can help reduce stigma and misunderstanding in communities."

- 对白化病的教育可以帮助减少社区中的污名和误解。

7. "People with albinism often need to take extra precautions to protect their skin from the sun."

- 患有白化病的人通常需要采取额外的措施来保护皮肤免受阳光伤害。

8. "Albinism is caused by mutations in genes responsible for producing melanin."

- 白化病是由于影响黑色素生成的基因突变引起的。

9. "Some individuals with albinism may also experience vision problems due to the lack of pigment in the eyes."

- 一些白化病患者由于眼睛中缺乏色素,可能还会出现视力问题。

10. "Albinism does not affect a person's intelligence or capabilities."

- 白化病不会影响一个人的智力或能力。

11. "Support groups for people with albinism can provide valuable resources and community."

- 为白化病患者提供支持的团体可以提供有价值的资源和社区支持。

12. "Scientists continue to research albinism to better understand its causes and potential treatments."

- 科学家们继续研究白化病,以更好地理解其原因和潜在的治疗方法。

13. "Individuals with albinism often face challenges related to visibility and discrimination."

- 患有白化病的人常常面临与可见性和歧视相关的挑战。

14. "Genetic counseling can be helpful for families who have a history of albinism."

- 对于有白化病历史的家庭,基因咨询可能会很有帮助。

15. "While albinism is rare, awareness and understanding can greatly improve the lives of those affected."

- 尽管白化病较为少见,但提高认识和理解可以大大改善受影响者的生活。


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