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时间: 2024-09-29 00:48:05


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "resistivity," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The resistivity of copper makes it an excellent conductor of electricity. (铜的电阻率使其成为优秀的导体。)

2. The semiconductor material had a low resistivity at high temperatures. (半导体材料在高温下具有较低的电阻率。)

3. Engineers study the resistivity of materials to optimize circuit designs. (工程师研究材料的电阻率以优化电路设计。)

4. Silver has a lower resistivity than most metals, which enhances its usefulness in electronics. (银的电阻率比大多数金属都低,这增强了它在电子产品中的实用性。)

5. The resistivity of the material determines how much heat it can dissipate. (材料的电阻率决定了它能散热的程度。)

6. Scientists are researching ways to reduce resistivity in superconductors to improve efficiency. (科学家正在研究如何降低超导体的电阻率以提高效率。)

7. The resistivity of the soil affects the performance of grounding systems. (土壤的电阻率影响接地系统的性能。)

8. Electrical resistivity tomography is used in geophysics to study underground structures. (电阻率层析成像在地球物理学中用于研究地下结构。)

9. The resistivity of the alloy varies depending on its composition. (合金的电阻率因其组成而异。)

10. High resistivity materials are used in insulation to prevent electricity from leaking. (高电阻率材料用于绝缘以防止电流泄漏。)

11. Resistivity measurements are crucial in determining the quality of electronic components. (电阻率测量对于确定电子元件的质量至关重要。)

12. The resistivity of graphene makes it suitable for applications in transparent conductive films. (石墨烯的电阻率使其适用于透明导电膜的应用。)

13. Different materials exhibit different levels of resistivity under the same conditions. (不同的材料在相同条件下表现出不同程度的电阻率。)

14. Temperature changes can significantly affect the resistivity of metals. (温度变化可以显著影响金属的电阻率。)

15. The resistivity of the wire determines how efficiently electricity can be transmitted over long distances. (电线的电阻率决定了电力在长距离传输时的效率。)


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