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时间: 2024-09-29 00:43:05


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with their Chinese translations for "seedling":

1. The farmer planted seedlings in neat rows in the field. 农民在田里整齐地种下了幼苗。

2. It takes careful nurturing to grow a strong seedling into a healthy tree. 需要仔细培育,才能将强壮的幼苗培育成健康的树木。

3. The gardeners are transplanting the seedlings into larger pots today. 今天园丁们正在把幼苗移植到更大的花盆里。

4. These seedlings need to be watered twice a day to ensure they thrive. 这些幼苗每天需要浇水两次,以确保它们茁壮成长。

5. The classroom project involved each student growing a seedling from a seed. 教室项目让每个学生从种子开始培育一株幼苗。

6. We need to protect the seedlings from frost tonight by covering them with cloth. 今晚我们需要用布盖住这些幼苗,以防止它们被霜冻伤害。

7. The forest service provided thousands of seedlings for reforestation efforts. 森林管理部门为重新造林工作提供了数千棵幼苗。

8. She carefully thinned out the weaker seedlings to give the stronger ones more space to grow. 她仔细地除去了较弱的幼苗,给予强壮的幼苗更多的生长空间。

9. After a few weeks, the seedling began to develop its first true leaves. 几周后,幼苗开始长出第一片真叶。

10. Planting seedlings in raised beds can help improve drainage and prevent root rot. 在高起的花坛中种植幼苗可以帮助改善排水,并防止根腐病。

11. The charity distributed seedlings to families affected by the flood to help them rebuild their gardens. 慈善机构向受洪水影响的家庭分发幼苗,帮助他们重建花园。

12. Each seedling was carefully labeled with its variety and planting date. 每一株幼苗都仔细地贴上了其品种和种植日期的标签。

13. The volunteers spent the morning planting seedlings along the riverbank to prevent erosion. 志愿者们花了整个早晨沿着河岸种植幼苗,以防止侵蚀。

14. The nursery specializes in growing native tree seedlings for restoration projects. 这家苗圃专门种植本地树木幼苗,用于恢复项目。

15. With proper care, these seedlings will soon be ready to be transplanted into the garden. 在适当的护理下,这些幼苗很快就会准备好移植到花园里。


上一个 【英语】gosling的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】yeanling的例句



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