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时间: 2024-09-29 00:46:19



1. He has a manly physique, with broad shoulders and a muscular build. (他有一副阳刚的体魄,宽阔的肩膀和肌肉发达的身材。)

2. Despite the difficult situation, he remained calm and displayed a manly composure. (尽管情况困难,他仍保持镇定,展现出阳刚的沉着。)

3. His manly handshake conveyed confidence and strength. (他阳刚的握手传达了自信和力量。)

4. The firefighter’s bravery during the rescue operation was truly manly. (消防员在救援行动中的勇敢行为真是阳刚之举。)

5. He spoke with a deep, manly voice that commanded attention. (他用一种低沉而阳刚的声音讲话,引人注意。)

6. The old knight had a weathered face and a manly bearing. (那位老骑士脸上带着岁月的痕迹,举止阳刚。)

7. He showed his manly determination by refusing to give up despite repeated failures. (尽管屡次失败,他仍表现出阳刚的决心,拒绝放弃。)

8. In many cultures, chopping wood is considered a manly activity. (在许多文化中,砍柴被认为是一种阳刚的活动。)

9. His manly sense of duty led him to enlist in the military to defend his country. (他那种阳刚的责任感促使他入伍保卫国家。)

10. The actor’s portrayal of the cowboy was praised for its manly authenticity. (这位演员扮演的牛仔因其阳刚的真实性而受到赞扬。)

11. Despite his tough exterior, he had a kind heart that belied his manly appearance. (尽管外表坚韧,他内心却善良,与他的阳刚外表相矛盾。)

12. The boxer’s manly determination earned him the championship belt. (拳击手阳刚的决心使他赢得了冠军腰带。)

13. He displayed his manly resolve by standing up for his beliefs in the face of criticism. (面对批评,他坚持自己的信念,展示了他阳刚的决心。)

14. The mountain climber’s manly strength allowed him to conquer the tallest peaks. (登山者的阳刚力量使他征服了最高的山峰。)

15. Despite the pain, he tried to hide it with a manly grin. (尽管很痛,他仍试图用阳刚的笑容掩饰。)


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