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时间: 2024-09-10 05:38:34


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "commencement" along with Chinese explanations:

1. The commencement of the ceremony marked the beginning of their academic journey. (典礼的开始标志着他们学术旅程的开端。)

2. The commencement of spring brings warmer weather and blooming flowers. (春天的开始带来了温暖的天气和盛开的花朵。)

3. His commencement speech inspired everyone in the audience. (他的毕业演讲激励了观众中的每一个人。)

4. They attended the commencement of the new factory with great anticipation. (他们怀着极大的期待参加了新工厂的开业典礼。)

5. The commencement of hostilities led to widespread unrest in the region. (敌对行动的开始导致了该地区的广泛动荡。)

6. The commencement of the project was delayed due to funding issues. (由于资金问题,项目的启动被推迟了。)

7. At the commencement of the meeting, the chairman welcomed all attendees. (会议开始时,主席欢迎所有出席者。)

8. The commencement of negotiations between the two countries signaled a potential breakthrough in diplomatic relations. (两国间的谈判开始标志着外交关系可能出现突破。)

9. The commencement of the concert was delayed due to technical difficulties. (由于技术问题,音乐会的开场被延迟了。)

10. She was nervous before the commencement of her first solo performance. (在她第一次独唱表演开始之前,她感到紧张。)

11. The commencement of the trial was postponed until next month. (审判的开始被推迟到下个月。)

12. They celebrated the commencement of a new era in space exploration. (他们庆祝了太空探索新时代的开始。)

13. The commencement of the school year brought new challenges for students and teachers alike. (新学年的开始给学生和教师们带来了新的挑战。)

14. The commencement of the new policy had significant implications for businesses across the country. (新政策的开始对全国各企业有重大影响。)

15. His graduation marked the commencement of his professional career in medicine. (他的毕业标志着他在医学专业职业生涯的开始。)


上一个 【英语】commandment的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】embezzlement的例句



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