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时间: 2024-09-29 00:54:40



1. The butterfly's wing patterns are a form of mimicry to avoid predators. (蝴蝶的翅膀图案是一种拟态,以避免捕食者。)

2. The harmless snake exhibits Batesian mimicry, resembling a venomous species to deter predators. (这种无毒蛇展示了贝氏拟态,模仿有毒物种以避开捕食者。)

3. The drone's design is a mimicry of natural flight patterns observed in insects. (无人机的设计模仿了昆虫的自然飞行模式。)

4. Some plants use floral mimicry to attract pollinators by resembling more attractive flowers. (一些植物利用花卉拟态来吸引传粉者,模仿更有吸引力的花朵。)

5. The spider's markings are a form of mimicry, resembling bird droppings to avoid detection by predators. (蜘蛛的斑纹是一种拟态,看起来像鸟粪以躲避捕食者。)

6. The moth's coloration is a form of mimicry, blending with tree bark to hide from predators during the day. (蛾类的颜色是一种拟态,与树皮融为一体,白天躲避捕食者。)

7. The drone's hovering behavior is a mimicry of how hummingbirds move. (无人机的悬停行为模仿了蜂鸟的飞行方式。)

8. The harmless snake displays Müllerian mimicry, sharing similar warning coloration with other venomous species. (这种无毒蛇表现出了米勒拟态,与其他有毒物种共享相似的警告色。)

9. Some animals exhibit behavioral mimicry, imitating the actions of more dangerous species to avoid confrontation. (一些动物展示行为拟态,模仿更危险物种的动作以避免冲突。)

10. The robotic fish uses biomimicry to replicate the movement of real fish underwater. (这种机器鱼利用生物拟态来复制真实鱼类在水下的运动。)

11. Orchids often employ sexual mimicry, resembling female insects to attract male pollinators. (兰花通常采用性拟态,模仿雌性昆虫以吸引雄性传粉者。)

12. The chameleon's ability to change color is a form of mimicry, allowing it to blend into its surroundings. (变色龙的能力是一种拟态,使其能够融入周围环境。)

13. Some frogs use acoustic mimicry, imitating sounds of more dangerous predators to deter attackers. (一些青蛙使用声学拟态,模仿更危险捕食者的声音以吓阻攻击者。)

14. The mimicry of human behavior by artificial intelligence is becoming more advanced with each generation of algorithms. (人工智能对人类行为的模仿随着每一代算法的进步而变得更加先进。)

15. The leaf-tailed gecko's camouflage is a perfect example of morphological mimicry, blending seamlessly with tree bark. (叶尾壁虎的伪装是形态拟态的完美例证,与树皮完美融合。)


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