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时间: 2024-09-20 08:01:31




1. He glanced sidewise at her to see if she was listening. (他斜眼看她,想看看她是否在听。)

2. The car slid sidewise on the icy road. (汽车在冰雪覆盖的路面上侧滑。)

3. She tilted her head sidewise to get a better view. (她歪着头侧目以便更好地观察。)

4. The building was painted with stripes running sidewise. (建筑物被涂成了侧向条纹。)

5. He approached the problem sidewise, trying a different approach. (他侧面看待这个问题,尝试了一个不同的方法。)

6. The artist examined the sculpture sidewise to check the proportions. (艺术家侧面观察雕塑,检查比例。)

7. She leaned sidewise against the wall, lost in thought. (她斜靠在墙边,陷入沉思。)

8. He twisted the knob sidewise to adjust the volume. (他侧向转动旋钮来调节音量。)

9. The aircraft banked sidewise as it turned. (飞机在转弯时侧倾。)

10. The snake slithered sidewise through the grass. (蛇在草丛中侧向滑行。)

11. She gave him a sidewise glance before answering. (她在回答之前斜眼看了他一眼。)

12. He parked the car sidewise across two spaces. (他把车侧向停放占据了两个停车位。)

13. The robot moved sidewise to avoid the obstacle. (机器人侧向移动以避开障碍物。)

14. She approached the problem from a sidewise angle, considering cultural influences. (她从侧面的角度来考虑这个问题,考虑了文化影响。)

15. The cat walked sidewise along the narrow ledge. (猫侧身沿着狭窄的壁檐走动。)


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