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每日一句英语优美短句 40句 汉语翻译(86)

时间: 2024-09-08 09:12:48



1686. 每个问题都是解决方案的起点。  

   Every problem is the starting point of a solution.

1687. 成功是一步一个脚印走出来的。  

   Success is achieved step by step.

1688. 与其羡慕他人,不如努力超越自己。  

   Instead of envying others, strive to surpass yourself.

1689. 回首过去,是为了更好地前行。  

   Reflect on the past to move forward better.

1690. 行动是取得成就的第一步。  

   Action is the first step to achieving success.

1691. 每一天都是新的开始,充满无限可能。  

   Every day is a new beginning, full of infinite possibilities.

1692. 做你爱做的事,成功自然会随之而来。  

   Do what you love, and success will naturally follow.

1693. 每一次尝试都是迈向成功的一小步。  

   Every attempt is a small step towards success.

1694. 生活是一场马拉松,不在乎起点。  

   Life is a marathon, it's not about the starting point.

1695. 你的态度决定你的高度。  

   Your attitude determines your altitude.

1696. 面对挑战时,眼前的困难只是暂时的。  

   In the face of challenges, the difficulties are just temporary.

1697. 努力拼搏,即使没有人看到,也要坚持。  

   Work hard, even if no one sees it, you must persist.

1698. 过去的遗憾是未来成功的养分。  

   Past regrets are the nutrients for future success.

1699. 信念是成功的起点。  

   Belief is the starting point of success.

1700. 珍惜当下,未来将会更美好。  

   Cherish the present, and the future will be better.

1701. 生活不可能一帆风顺,但我们可以选择如何面对。  

   Life won't always be smooth sailing, but we can choose how to face it.

1702. 坚持就是胜利,放弃才是真正的失败。  

   Perseverance is victory; giving up is true failure.

1703. 自信是成功的第一秘诀。  

   Confidence is the first secret of success.

1704. 每一个成功的背后都有一段辛酸的故事。  

   Behind every success, there is a story of hardship.

1705. 用心去做每一件小事,成功自然会到来。  

   Put your heart into every little thing, and success will come naturally.

1706. 快乐是一种选择,抓住它,你就能拥有。  

   Happiness is a choice; grab it, and you will have it.

1707. 知识改变命运,努力成就未来。  

   Knowledge changes destiny; effort builds the future.

1708. 在追求梦想的路上,不怕艰难险阻。  

   On the road to pursuing dreams, don’t fear difficulties.

1709. 为梦想而生,终将实现。  

   Born for dreams, you will eventually achieve them.

1710. 生活不是等待暴风雨过去,而是学会在雨中跳舞。  

   Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.

1711. 永远不要小看自己的力量,哪怕是微小的努力。  

   Never underestimate your own power, even the smallest effort.

1712. 每一次跨出舒适区,都是成长的机会。  

   Every step out of your comfort zone is an opportunity for growth.

1713. 未来属于那些相信自己梦想的人。  

   The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams.

1714. 生活的意义在于付出,而不是索取。  

   The meaning of life lies in giving, not receiving.

1715. 每一个梦想都有实现的可能,只要努力去追求。  

   Every dream has the potential to come true if you pursue it with effort.

1716. 永远相信,明天会更好。  

   Always believe that tomorrow will be better.

1717. 在每一个失败中寻找成功的种子。  

   Look for the seeds of success in every failure.

1718. 生活需要热情,梦想需要行动。  

   Life needs passion; dreams need action.

1719. 遇到困难时,要相信自己能做到。  

   In the face of difficulties, believe that you can do it.

1720. 信念是开启成功之门的钥匙。  

   Belief is the key to unlocking the door to success.

1721. 平凡的努力,成就不平凡的未来。  

   Ordinary efforts lead to extraordinary futures.

1722. 时间不会停止,所以为自己加油。  

   Time won't stop, so cheer for yourself.

1723. 成功的人是那些寻找机会而不是等待机会的人。  

   Successful people are those who seek opportunities, not wait for them.

1724. 越努力,越幸运。  

   The harder you work, the luckier you get.

1725. 成功没有捷径,但有坚持的道路。  

   There are no shortcuts to success, but there is a path of perseverance.


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