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时间: 2024-09-20 05:02:30


1. 他依然保持着乐观的态度。

He still maintains an optimistic attitude.

2. 尽管失败了,她依然坚持不懈。

Despite the failure, she still perseveres.

3. 这个问题依然没有解决。

The problem still remains unsolved.

4. 尽管年事已高,他依然精力充沛。

Despite his old age, he is still full of energy.

5. 虽然经历了很多困难,但他依然坚持自己的梦想。

Despite facing many difficulties, he still holds on to his dreams.

6. 尽管时间已经过去了这么久,我依然记得那段美好的回忆。

Despite the passage of time, I still remember that wonderful memory.

7. 虽然他们分手了,但他们依然保持着友谊。

Despite their breakup, they still maintain their friendship.

8. 尽管天气转凉,她依然坚持每天早晨跑步。

Despite the cooling weather, she still insists on jogging every morning.

9. 尽管她已经结婚多年,但她依然保持着年轻的心态。

Despite being married for many years, she still maintains a youthful mindset.

10. 尽管遭遇了挫折,他依然坚定地前行。

Despite encountering setbacks, he still moves forward with determination.

11. 他依然对那个失踪的孩子充满着思念。

He still misses that missing child.

12. 虽然他表面看起来平静,但内心依然充满着痛苦。

Although he appears calm on the surface, he is still filled with pain inside.

13. 尽管他已经离开了,但他的精神依然存在。

Although he has left, his spirit still remains.

14. 虽然经历了失败,但他依然坚信成功的可能性。

Despite experiencing failure, he still believes in the possibility of success.

15. 尽管年事已高,他依然保持着年轻人的活力。

Despite his old age, he still maintains the vitality of a young person.

16. 虽然被批评,但她依然坚持自己的观点。

Despite being criticized, she still insists on her own point of view.

17. 尽管经历了很多挫折,他依然保持乐观的心态。

Despite experiencing many setbacks, he still maintains an optimistic attitude.

18. 虽然生活中有很多不如意,但她依然笑对生活。

Despite many disappointments in life, she still smiles at life.

19. 尽管受到了挑战,他依然坚定地迈出了第一步。

Despite being challenged, he still took the first step firmly.

20. 虽然已经过去了很久,但她依然怀念那段美好的时光。

Although it has been a long time, she still cherishes that beautiful time.

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