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时间: 2024-11-10 07:22:01


1. 全校师生都参加了开学典礼。

The whole school attended the opening ceremony.

2. 全校学生都在操场上集合。

All the students in the school gathered on the playground.

3. 全校师生共同庆祝校庆。

The whole school celebrated the school anniversary together.

4. 全校学生都很积极参加社会实践活动。

All the students in the school are very active in participating in social practice activities.

5. 全校教职员工都参加了年度运动会。

All the staff and faculty in the school participated in the annual sports day.

6. 全校学生都在期末考试中取得了优异成绩。

All the students in the school achieved excellent results in the final exams.

7. 全校师生一起参观了博物馆。

The whole school visited the museum together.

8. 全校学生都积极参与了环保活动。

All the students in the school actively participated in environmental protection activities.

9. 全校师生共同努力,使学校成为了全市最好的学府。

The whole school worked together to make the school the best in the city.

10. 全校师生都在毕业典礼上欢聚一堂。

The entire school's teachers and students gathered together at the graduation ceremony.

11. 全校学生都在参加校运动会中展现了自己的才华。

All the students in the school showcased their talents in the school sports day.

12. 全校师生一起植树,为学校增添了一道美丽的风景线。

The whole school's teachers and students planted trees together, adding a beautiful scenery to the school.

13. 全校学生都积极参与了志愿者活动。

All the students in the school actively participated in volunteer activities.

14. 全校师生齐心协力,共同为灾区捐款。

The whole school's teachers and students worked together to donate money to the disaster area.

15. 全校学生都在音乐会上表现出色。

All the students in the school performed well at the concert.

16. 全校师生一起参加了校园清洁活动。

The whole school's teachers and students participated in the campus clean-up activity together.

17. 全校学生都积极参加了艺术节。

All the students in the school actively participated in the art festival.

18. 全校师生一起庆祝了学校的建校周年。

The whole school's teachers and students celebrated the school's founding anniversary together.

19. 全校学生都在课外活动中展现了自己的特长。

All the students in the school showcased their talents in extracurricular activities.

20. 全校师生共同努力,使学校的教学质量不断提高。

The whole school's teachers and students worked together to continuously improve the school's teaching quality.

上一个 【汉语】华年的例句,中英对照 文章列表 下一个 【汉语】神儿的例句,中英对照



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