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时间: 2024-11-10 07:18:40


1. 公安机关正在严厉打击违法犯罪活动。

The public security organs are cracking down on illegal and criminal activities.

2. 他是一名公安局的警察,负责维护社会治安。

He is a police officer from the public security bureau, responsible for maintaining public order.

3. 公安人员正在对案件展开调查。

The public security personnel are investigating the case.

4. 公安部门加强了对校园安全的监管。

The public security department has strengthened its supervision of campus safety.

5. 公安机关提醒市民注意防范电信诈骗。

The public security organs remind the public to be vigilant against telecom fraud.

6. 公安局发布了一份失踪人员的寻人启事。

The public security bureau issued a missing person notice.

7. 公安部门将加大对交通违法行为的处罚力度。

The public security department will increase the punishment for traffic violations.

8. 公安人员正在排查火灾隐患。

The public security personnel are investigating fire hazards.

9. 公安机关警告市民不要参与非法集会活动。

The public security organs warn the public not to participate in illegal gatherings.

10. 公安部门提供了紧急救援服务。

The public security department provides emergency rescue services.

11. 公安局正在开展打击假冒伪劣商品的专项行动。

The public security bureau is carrying out a special operation to crack down on counterfeit and shoddy goods.

12. 公安人员正在维持现场秩序。

The public security personnel are maintaining order at the scene.

13. 公安机关已经控制了犯罪嫌疑人。

The public security organs have apprehended the criminal suspect.

14. 公安部门将加强对边境地区的管控。

The public security department will strengthen control over border areas.

15. 公安局正在进行反恐防暴演练。

The public security bureau is conducting anti-terrorism and riot drills.

16. 公安人员正在为重大活动提供安保服务。

The public security personnel are providing security services for major events.

17. 公安机关将严厉打击走私活动。

The public security organs will crack down on smuggling activities.

18. 公安部门正在开展打击盗窃团伙的行动。

The public security department is carrying out an operation to crack down on theft gangs.

19. 公安局发布了一份寻找失踪儿童的通告。

The public security bureau issued a notice to find missing children.

20. 公安人员正在加强对居民区的巡逻。

The public security personnel are stepping up patrols in residential areas.

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