时间: 2024-11-10 07:22:43
1. 他们奋勇出征,向敌人发起了进攻。
They bravely set out on a military campaign and launched an attack on the enemy.
2. 士兵们振奋精神,准备出征。
The soldiers rallied and prepared for their expedition.
3. 这支队伍出征前接受了严格的训练。
The team underwent rigorous training before embarking on their mission.
4. 将军领导着士兵们出征,向敌方阵地推进。
The general led the soldiers on a military campaign to advance towards the enemy's position.
5. 他们出征前举行了隆重的仪式。
They held a grand ceremony before setting out on their expedition.
6. 勇士们出征,誓言要捍卫家园。
The warriors set out on a military campaign, vowing to defend their homeland.
7. 部队在黎明时分出征,向敌方领土进发。
The troops set out at dawn, advancing towards the enemy's territory.
8. 出征的士兵们挥舞着旗帜,士气高昂。
The soldiers marching off to battle waved their flags, their morale high.
9. 这是一次艰难的出征,但我们必须坚定前行。
This is a difficult military campaign, but we must march forward with determination.
10. 士兵们在出征前向家人告别。
The soldiers bid farewell to their families before setting out on their expedition.
11. 领袖们为出征的士兵们祈祷。
The leaders prayed for the soldiers embarking on their mission.
12. 出征的队伍穿过荒原,向前方推进。
The expeditionary team crossed the wilderness and advanced towards the front.
13. 士兵们在出征前检查武器和装备。
The soldiers inspected their weapons and equipment before setting out on their expedition.
14. 出征的队伍在夜幕降临时启程。
The expeditionary team set out at nightfall.
15. 士兵们的出征得到了全国人民的支持。
The soldiers' military campaign received support from the entire nation.
16. 领袖们向出征的士兵们嘱咐道:“一定要全力以赴,保护好自己。”
The leaders exhorted the soldiers setting out on their mission, "Be sure to give it your all and protect yourselves."
17. 出征的队伍在黎明时分奔赴前线。
The expeditionary team rushed to the front at dawn.
18. 士兵们在出征前接受了最后一次检阅。
The soldiers underwent a final inspection before setting out on their expedition.
19. 出征的队伍穿越险峻的山峦,向目标地点进发。
The expeditionary team traversed rugged mountains and advanced towards their target location.
20. 领袖们向出征的士兵们送上了最诚挚的祝福。
The leaders offered their sincerest blessings to the soldiers setting out on their mission.