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时间: 2024-11-10 06:39:18


1. 我们深切哀悼逝去的亲人。

We mourn deeply for the departed loved ones.

2. 他们在哀悼中度过了整个夜晚。

They spent the whole night in mourning.

3. 哀悼活动将在周末举行。

The mourning event will take place over the weekend.

4. 他们哀悼了整整一个月。

They mourned for a whole month.

5. 哀悼的人们聚集在一起悼念逝去的领袖。

Mourning people gathered to mourn the departed leader.

6. 哀悼活动将在城市广场举行。

The mourning event will be held at the city square.

7. 他们深切哀悼失去的机会。

They mourn deeply for the lost opportunity.

8. 整个国家都在哀悼这场悲剧。

The entire nation is mourning this tragedy.

9. 哀悼仪式上,人们默默地祈祷。

During the mourning ceremony, people prayed silently.

10. 我们共同哀悼失去的英雄。

We mourn together for the lost hero.

11. 他们哀悼着失去的友谊。

They are mourning the lost friendship.

12. 他们哀悼着失去的机会。

They mourn the lost opportunity.

13. 我们深切哀悼逝去的生命。

We mourn deeply for the departed lives.

14. 在哀悼仪式上,人们默默地悼念着逝去的亲人。

During the mourning ceremony, people mourn silently for the departed loved ones.

15. 他们在哀悼中找到了慰藉。

They found solace in mourning.

16. 哀悼的人们聚集在一起,悼念逝去的领袖。

Mourning people gathered to mourn the departed leader.

17. 哀悼活动将在周日下午进行。

The mourning event will take place on Sunday afternoon.

18. 他们深切哀悼失去的机会。

They mourn deeply for the lost opportunity.

19. 整个国家都在哀悼这场悲剧。

The entire nation is mourning this tragedy.

20. 哀悼仪式上,人们默默地祈祷。

During the mourning ceremony, people prayed silently.

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