时间: 2024-11-10 06:42:00
1. 日本天皇是日本的象征性元首。
The Emperor of Japan is the symbolic head of state.
2. 天皇在日本历史上曾拥有很大的权力。
The Emperor once held great power in Japanese history.
3. 天皇的生日是日本的公共假日。
The Emperor's birthday is a public holiday in Japan.
4. 天皇的居所位于东京皇居。
The Emperor's residence is located at the Tokyo Imperial Palace.
5. 传统上,天皇被视为神圣的存在。
Traditionally, the Emperor is seen as a sacred figure.
6. 天皇的妻子被称为皇后。
The Emperor's wife is referred to as the Empress.
7. 天皇的即位典礼是一项盛大的仪式。
The Emperor's enthronement ceremony is a grand event.
8. 天皇的权力受到宪法的限制。
The Emperor's power is limited by the constitution.
9. 天皇的角色在日本社会中具有重要意义。
The Emperor's role holds significant importance in Japanese society.
10. 天皇在外交事务中扮演着象征性的角色。
The Emperor plays a symbolic role in diplomatic affairs.
11. 皇室成员要遵守天皇家族的传统规定。
Members of the royal family are expected to adhere to the traditions of the Imperial Household.
12. 天皇和皇后经常参加公共活动。
The Emperor and Empress frequently participate in public events.
13. 天皇的权威不如过去那样绝对。
The Emperor's authority is not as absolute as it once was.
14. 天皇的祖先可以追溯到古代。
The Emperor's ancestors can be traced back to ancient times.
15. 天皇的举止和言行受到公众的关注。
The Emperor's conduct and speech are closely watched by the public.
16. 天皇的退位仪式是一次隆重的仪式。
The Emperor's abdication ceremony was a solemn event.
17. 天皇的家族历史可以追溯到几个世纪前。
The Emperor's family history can be traced back several centuries.
18. 天皇在国内外享有崇高的地位。
The Emperor holds a revered position both domestically and internationally.
19. 天皇的制度在日本历史上经历了多次变革。
The system of the Emperor has undergone numerous changes in Japanese history.
20. 天皇的权力主要是象征性的。
The Emperor's power is primarily symbolic.