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时间: 2024-11-10 06:38:32


1. 我每天晚上都需要安眠才能好好休息。

I need to have a good sleep every night to rest well.

2. 这种药物可以帮助你安眠。

This medication can help you sleep.

3. 我一直睡不着,需要找个方法来安眠。

I've been having trouble sleeping and need to find a way to get some sleep.

4. 她喜欢在安静的环境中安眠。

She likes to sleep in a quiet environment.

5. 我今晚一定要好好安眠。

I need to have a good night's sleep tonight.

6. 这种药物可以帮助你入睡并保持安眠。

This medication can help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

7. 我常常因为焦虑而无法安眠。

I often have trouble sleeping due to anxiety.

8. 他每天都会做一些放松的练习来帮助自己安眠。

He does some relaxation exercises every day to help himself sleep.

9. 我的婴儿晚上总是安眠不安稳。

My baby always has trouble sleeping at night.

10. 我需要找到一种自然的方法来帮助我安眠。

I need to find a natural way to help me sleep.

11. 他喜欢在温暖的被窝中安眠。

He likes to sleep in warm blankets.

12. 这种音乐可以帮助人们放松并安眠。

This music can help people relax and sleep.

13. 她的安眠问题已经持续了好几个月。

Her sleep problems have been going on for months.

14. 我们需要为他提供一个安静的环境来帮助他安眠。

We need to provide him with a quiet environment to help him sleep.

15. 这种草药可以帮助你安眠。

This herb can help you sleep.

16. 她的医生给她开了一些药物来帮助她安眠。

Her doctor prescribed her some medication to help her sleep.

17. 我们需要找到一个解决方案来帮助他安眠。

We need to find a solution to help him sleep.

18. 这种瑜伽练习可以帮助你放松并安眠。

This yoga practice can help you relax and sleep.

19. 我昨晚安眠得很好,感觉精力充沛。

I slept well last night and feel energized.

20. 这种药物可以帮助人们改善安眠质量。

This medication can help improve the quality of sleep.

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