时间: 2024-11-10 07:00:23
1. 我们需要在明天的会议上进行投票。
We need to vote at tomorrow's meeting.
2. 选民们可以通过投票来选择他们的领导人。
Voters can choose their leaders through voting.
3. 投票结果显示,大多数人支持这项提案。
The voting results show that the majority of people support the proposal.
4. 我们将在下周进行投票,以决定是否接受这项计划。
We will vote next week to decide whether to accept the plan.
5. 请在选票上填上您的选择。
Please mark your choice on the ballot.
6. 投票站将于早上7点开放。
The polling station will open at 7am.
7. 我已经投了我的选票。
I have cast my vote.
8. 她因为没有在投票日去投票而感到后悔。
She regretted not voting on election day.
9. 投票是每个公民的权利和责任。
Voting is the right and responsibility of every citizen.
10. 他在投票中获得了压倒性的胜利。
He won by a landslide in the voting.
11. 请在候选人名字后面打勾来进行投票。
Please put a check mark next to the candidate's name to vote.
12. 投票结果将在晚上公布。
The voting results will be announced in the evening.
13. 我们将进行无记名投票。
We will have a secret ballot.
14. 投票是民主社会的基石。
Voting is the cornerstone of a democratic society.
15. 我们需要确保每个人都参与投票。
We need to ensure that everyone participates in the voting.
16. 我们将进行电子投票。
We will have electronic voting.
17. 他们在选举中赢得了多数的选票。
They won the majority of the votes in the election.
18. 投票结果导致了一场激烈的争论。
The voting results led to a heated debate.
19. 请在投票箱里投下您的选票。
Please cast your vote in the ballot box.
20. 投票是民主制度中非常重要的一环。
Voting is a crucial part of a democratic system.