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时间: 2024-11-10 07:09:52


1. 他们在夜晚举行了一场仪式,试图招魂。

They held a ceremony at night, trying to summon the spirits.

2. 在这个古老的传统中,人们通过舞蹈和歌唱来招魂。

In this ancient tradition, people summon the spirits through dance and song.

3. 她们在墓地上点燃了香烛,希望能够招魂。

They lit incense at the cemetery, hoping to call forth the spirits.

4. 他们使用特殊的祈祷和仪式来招魂。

They use special prayers and rituals to summon the spirits.

5. 在这个节日里,人们会招魂并祭祀祖先。

During this festival, people summon the spirits and make offerings to their ancestors.

6. 他们聚集在一起,试图招魂并与已故的亲人交流。

They gathered together, trying to summon the spirits and communicate with their deceased loved ones.

7. 传说中,这个地方是招魂的热门地点。

Legend has it that this place is a popular spot for summoning spirits.

8. 这个仪式旨在招魂并寻求祖先的指引。

The ritual is meant to summon the spirits and seek guidance from ancestors.

9. 他们唱起了古老的歌曲,希望能够招魂。

They sang ancient songs, hoping to summon the spirits.

10. 人们相信通过特殊的仪式可以招魂并获得神秘力量。

People believe that through special rituals, they can summon the spirits and gain mystical powers.

11. 在这个节日上,人们会招魂并祈求祖先的保佑。

During this festival, people summon the spirits and pray for the blessings of their ancestors.

12. 传统上,招魂仪式会在特定的时间和地点举行。

Traditionally, the summoning of spirits is held at specific times and locations.

13. 他们用古老的咒语和祈祷来招魂。

They use ancient spells and prayers to summon the spirits.

14. 这个仪式旨在招魂并寻求来自另一个世界的指引。

The ritual is meant to summon the spirits and seek guidance from the other world.

15. 在这个节日上,人们会招魂并与祖先交流。

During this festival, people summon the spirits and communicate with their ancestors.

16. 他们在山洞里进行了一场仪式,试图招魂。

They held a ceremony in the cave, trying to summon the spirits.

17. 他们相信通过特殊的仪式可以招魂并与祖先沟通。

They believe that through special rituals, they can summon the spirits and communicate with their ancestors.

18. 据说这里有一处神秘的地方,可以招魂。

It is said that there is a mysterious place here where you can summon spirits.

19. 他们举行了一场祭祀仪式,试图招魂并获得祖先的祝福。

They held a sacrifice ceremony, trying to summon the spirits and receive the blessings of their ancestors.

20. 传统上,人们会在特定的节日上招魂并祭祀祖先。

Traditionally, people summon the spirits and make offerings to their ancestors on specific holidays.

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