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时间: 2024-09-20 05:57:46


1. 他不仅有文采,还有武艺。

He is not only talented in literature, but also skilled in martial arts.

2. 这位将军兼具文武双全的优秀品质。

This general possesses the excellent qualities of both literary and military talents.

3. 他是个文武双全的人才,无论是写文章还是打仗都很出色。

He is a versatile talent, excelling in both writing and fighting.

4. 在古代,文武之道被视为一个人的全面修养。

In ancient times, the way of literature and martial arts was considered as a person's comprehensive cultivation.

5. 他不但是个好学生,还是个武术高手。

He is not only a good student, but also a martial arts master.

6. 在传统文化中,文武并重是很重要的。

In traditional culture, the emphasis on both literature and martial arts is very important.

7. 这位将军在战场上英勇无畏,同时也是一位诗人。

This general is fearless on the battlefield, and at the same time, he is also a poet.

8. 他不但是个才华横溢的作家,还是一名出色的剑客。

He is not only a talented writer, but also an excellent swordsman.

9. 在古代,文人武士是社会上的精英阶层。

In ancient times, literati warriors were the elite class in society.

10. 他的文学造诣和武艺一样出色。

His literary attainments are as excellent as his martial arts skills.

11. 他不但是一位杰出的学者,还是一名武术家。

He is not only an outstanding scholar, but also a martial artist.

12. 在古代中国,士人武士是社会上的一支重要力量。

In ancient China, literati warriors were an important force in society.

13. 他是一位精通文学和武术的多才多艺的人。

He is a versatile person who is proficient in both literature and martial arts.

14. 在古代,文人武士都受到很高的尊敬。

In ancient times, literati warriors were highly respected.

15. 他不但精通经典文学,还擅长各种武术技巧。

He is not only well-versed in classical literature, but also skilled in various martial arts techniques.

16. 在古代,文人武士的地位非常崇高。

In ancient times, the status of literati warriors was very high.

17. 他是一位擅长书法和武术的文武双全之才。

He is a versatile talent who excels in calligraphy and martial arts.

18. 在古代,文人武士是社会上的精英阶层。

In ancient times, literati warriors were the elite class in society.

19. 他不但是一位杰出的作家,还是一名武术高手。

He is not only an outstanding writer, but also a martial arts master.

20. 在古代中国,文武双全的人才备受推崇。

In ancient China, versatile talents who excel in both literature and martial arts were highly respected.

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