时间: 2024-11-10 07:01:13
1. 雨后,屋檐上滴落着水滴。
After the rain, water drops were dripping from the eaves.
2. 她的泪水像水滴一样落在地上。
Her tears fell to the ground like water drops.
3. 水滴从树叶上滴落下来。
Water drops dripped from the leaves.
4. 他把水滴从叶子上摇落下来。
He shook the water drops off the leaves.
5. 水滴在窗户玻璃上凝结成了露珠。
Water drops condensed into dew on the window glass.
6. 满天的水滴在阳光下闪闪发光。
The water drops in the sky glistened in the sunlight.
7. 每一滴水滴都是珍贵的。
Every drop of water is precious.
8. 滴水成河,我们要节约用水。
Every drop counts, we need to conserve water.
9. 水滴不断地从龙头上滴落。
Water drops kept dripping from the faucet.
10. 在热带地区,水滴会凝结成大雨。
In tropical regions, water drops will condense into heavy rain.
11. 他喝了一口水,水滴从他的下巴上滴落。
He took a sip of water, and the water drops dripped from his chin.
12. 水滴滴落在地上发出了清脆的声音。
The water drops falling to the ground made a crisp sound.
13. 她用手指轻轻一挥,水滴飞溅了出去。
She flicked her finger lightly, and the water drops splashed out.
14. 水滴在阳光下闪闪发光,像是一串宝石。
The water drops glistened in the sunlight, like a string of jewels.
15. 小孩在水池边玩耍,水滴溅得到处都是。
The children played by the pool, and water drops splashed everywhere.
16. 每一滴水滴都是大自然的馈赠。
Every drop of water is a gift from nature.
17. 雨后,花瓣上挂满了晶莹的水滴。
After the rain, the petals were covered with sparkling water drops.
18. 水滴从冰箱里滴落在地板上。
Water drops dripped from the fridge onto the floor.
19. 每一滴水滴都是生命的源泉。
Every drop of water is the source of life.
20. 雨滴滴落在窗外,水滴在玻璃上流淌。
Raindrops fell outside the window, and water drops flowed on the glass.