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时间: 2024-11-10 06:57:16


1. 这泉水清冽甘甜,令人心旷神怡。

The spring water is clear and refreshing, making people feel relaxed and happy.

2. 清冽的风吹过,带走了城市的喧嚣和繁忙。

The clear and brisk wind blew away the hustle and bustle of the city.

3. 在清冽的山泉中洗个澡,真是一种享受。

It's a real pleasure to take a bath in the clear mountain spring water.

4. 早晨的空气清冽宜人,让人感到清爽舒适。

The morning air is clear and pleasant, making people feel fresh and comfortable.

5. 这杯清冽的绿茶清香扑鼻,令人陶醉。

The clear and refreshing green tea is fragrant and intoxicating.

6. 清冽的溪水潺潺流过,给人一种宁静的感觉。

The clear stream flows gently, giving people a sense of tranquility.

7. 清冽的风景让人心旷神怡。

The clear and refreshing scenery makes people feel relaxed and happy.

8. 清冽的雨水洗净了尘世的繁杂。

The clear and refreshing rain washed away the complexity of the world.

9. 海风清冽,吹拂着我的脸庞,让我感到宁静和舒适。

The sea breeze is clear and refreshing, blowing on my face, making me feel calm and comfortable.

10. 清冽的山泉水滋润着大地。

The clear spring water moisturizes the earth.

11. The clear and refreshing river water is like a mirror, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds.

12. 阳光下,清冽的湖水泛着晶莹的光芒。

In the sunshine, the clear and refreshing lake water shines with a crystal light.

13. The air in the mountains is so clear and refreshing, making it a perfect place for hiking.

14. 这片清冽的湖水就像一块镜子,倒映着蓝天和白云。

The clear and refreshing lake water is like a mirror, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds.

15. 清冽的空气中弥漫着花香,令人心旷神怡。

The clear and refreshing air is filled with the fragrance of flowers, making people feel relaxed and happy.

16. 这个地方的水质清冽,非常适合钓鱼。

The water quality in this place is clear and refreshing, perfect for fishing.

17. 清冽的山泉水是最好的饮料。

The clear and refreshing mountain spring water is the best drink.

18. 这里的空气清冽宜人,非常适合度假。

The air here is clear and pleasant, perfect for a vacation.

19. 清冽的晨露给大地带来了一丝清新和活力。

The clear and refreshing morning dew brings a touch of freshness and vitality to the earth.

20. The clear and refreshing water from the well is perfect for quenching thirst.

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