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时间: 2024-11-10 06:37:29


1. 泪水滴下来,她情不自禁地哭了起来。

Tears dripped down as she couldn't help but cry.

2. 雨滴下得很大,路面都被淹没了。

The rain drops down heavily, the road is all flooded.

3. 烛光滴下了蜡,燃烧着的香炉上留下了一滩蜡油。

The candle wax dripped down, leaving a puddle of wax on the burning incense burner.

4. 血液滴下来,她意识到自己受伤了。

Blood dripped down and she realized she was injured.

5. 水滴下来,打湿了我的衣服。

Water dripped down, wetting my clothes.

6. 糖浆滴下来,淋在了蛋糕上。

Syrup dripped down, drizzling on the cake.

7. 雪花滴下来,落在了我的头上。

Snowflakes dripped down, falling on my head.

8. 汗水滴下来,我感到身体非常疲惫。

Sweat dripped down, I felt very exhausted.

9. 烟雾滴下来,笼罩了整个房间。

Smoke dripped down, shrouding the entire room.

10. 蜂蜜滴下来,甜蜜的香味扩散开来。

Honey dripped down, spreading a sweet fragrance.

11. 湿漉漉的泥土滴下来,掉在我的鞋子上。

The damp soil dripped down, falling on my shoes.

12. 油滴下来,弄脏了我的衣服。

Oil dripped down, staining my clothes.

13. 酒滴下来,溅在了桌子上。

The wine dripped down, splattering on the table.

14. 香水滴下来,弥漫着迷人的气味。

Perfume dripped down, filling the air with a charming scent.

15. 糖浆滴下来,使得面包更加美味。

The syrup dripped down, making the bread even more delicious.

16. 酒汁滴下来,弄脏了我的衣服。

The juice dripped down, staining my clothes.

17. 鼻涕滴下来,她不得不用纸巾擦拭。

The mucus dripped down, and she had to wipe it with tissue.

18. 蜡烛滴下来,一滩蜡油留在了桌子上。

The candle dripped down, leaving a puddle of wax on the table.

19. 焦糖滴下来,淋在了奶油上。

The caramel dripped down, drizzling on the cream.

20. 汗水滴下来,她感到自己已经跑得筋疲力尽。

Sweat dripped down, she felt exhausted from running.

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