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时间: 2024-09-17 13:53:52


1. 青莲花开,清香四溢。

The blue lotus blooms and emits a fragrant scent.

2. 青莲池中,荷叶舒展。

The blue lotus pond is filled with open lotus leaves.

3. 青莲岛上,风景如画。

The scenery on the Blue Lotus Island is picturesque.

4. 青莲峰巍峨壮观。

The Blue Lotus Peak is majestic and magnificent.

5. 青莲叶片,宛如翠玉。

The blue lotus leaves are like jade.

6. 青莲池水清澈见底。

The water in the blue lotus pond is clear and transparent.

7. 青莲花瓣柔软如丝。

The blue lotus petals are soft as silk.

8. 青莲香气扑鼻,令人陶醉。

The fragrance of the blue lotus is intoxicating.

9. 青莲的花瓣呈现出淡蓝色。

The petals of the blue lotus are light blue.

10. 青莲开放时,花瓣会散发出一种神秘的光芒。

When the blue lotus blooms, its petals emit a mysterious glow.

11. 青莲象征着纯洁和高贵。

The blue lotus symbolizes purity and nobility.

12. 青莲的花瓣可以用来泡茶。

The petals of the blue lotus can be used to make tea.

13. 青莲池畔,有一座古老的庙宇。

There is an ancient temple on the edge of the blue lotus pond.

14. 青莲的根茎可以用来治疗一些疾病。

The rhizomes of the blue lotus can be used to treat certain illnesses.

15. 青莲是印度教中重要的象征之一。

The blue lotus is one of the important symbols in Hinduism.

16. 青莲的花朵是一种美丽的水生植物。

The blue lotus flower is a beautiful aquatic plant.

17. 青莲的花瓣和叶子都可以用来制作药物。

The petals and leaves of the blue lotus can be used to make medicine.

18. 青莲是古埃及文化中的一部分。

The blue lotus is a part of ancient Egyptian culture.

19. 青莲的花朵在夜晚会散发出香气。

The blue lotus flowers emit fragrance at night.

20. 青莲是一种神秘的花卉,有着深刻的象征意义。

The blue lotus is a mysterious flower with profound symbolic meaning.

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