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时间: 2024-09-10 06:36:06


1. I love learning about Greek mythology and the ancient gods and goddesses.(我喜欢学习希腊神话和古代的神祗。)

2. The Greek salad at that restaurant is the best I've ever had.(那家餐厅的希腊沙拉是我吃过的最好的。)

3. My favorite play is "Antigone" by the Greek playwright Sophocles.(我最喜欢的剧本是希腊剧作家索福克勒斯的《安提戈尼》。)

4. I'm taking a trip to Greece to see all the ancient Greek ruins.(我要去希腊旅行,看看所有的古代遗迹。)

5. The Greek philosopher Socrates is known for his contributions to Western philosophy.(希腊哲学家苏格拉底以他对西方哲学的贡献而著称。)

6. We're having a Greek-themed party with lots of Mediterranean food and music.(我们将举办一个希腊主题的派对,有很多地中海食物和音乐。)

7. I'm learning to speak Greek so I can communicate with my relatives in Greece.(我正在学习说希腊语,这样我就可以和我在希腊的亲戚交流了。)

8. The Greek economy has been struggling in recent years.(希腊经济近年来一直在挣扎。)

9. My favorite dessert is baklava, a traditional Greek pastry.(我最喜欢的甜点是巴克拉瓦,一种传统的希腊糕点。)

10. The Greek alphabet has 24 letters.(希腊字母表有24个字母。)

11. Greek yogurt is known for its thick and creamy texture.(希腊酸奶以其浓稠和奶香而闻名。)

12. The Greek chorus in the play added a powerful and emotional element.(剧中的希腊合唱团增添了强大而感人的元素。)

13. I'm reading a book about the history of ancient Greek civilization.(我正在读一本关于古希腊文明史的书。)

14. The Greek government is implementing new policies to address the economic crisis.(希腊政府正在实施新政策来解决经济危机。)

15. The Greek philosopher Aristotle was a student of Plato.(希腊哲学家亚里士多德是柏拉图的学生。)

16. I love the vibrant colors and patterns of traditional Greek pottery.(我喜欢传统希腊陶器的鲜艳色彩和图案。)

17. We're going to a Greek festival this weekend to enjoy the food, music, and dancing.(这个周末我们要去参加一个希腊节日,享受食物、音乐和舞蹈。)

18. The Greek islands are known for their beautiful beaches and crystal-clear waters.(希腊群岛以其美丽的海滩和晶莹剔透的海水而闻名。)

19. The Greek philosopher Plato founded the Academy in Athens.(希腊哲学家柏拉图在雅典创立了学院。)

20. My grandmother taught me how to make traditional Greek moussaka.(我的祖母教我做传统的希腊莫萨卡。)

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