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时间: 2024-10-05 20:50:02


Certainly! "Antemeridian" refers to the period of time before noon, essentially the morning. Here are 15 example sentences along with their Chinese explanations:

1. I have a meeting scheduled for 10 AM, which is in the antemeridian hours.

- 我有一个安排在上午10点钟的会议,这是在午前的时间段。

2. The antemeridian sun cast long shadows across the lawn.

- 午前的太阳在草坪上投下了长长的影子。

3. We usually finish our work before the antemeridian.

- 我们通常在午前完成我们的工作。

4. The train arrives at 11:30 AM, just after the antemeridian.

- 火车将在上午11点半到达,就在午前之后。

5. The antemeridian hours are usually more productive for me.

- 对我来说,午前的时间段通常更加高效。

6. They prefer to exercise in the antemeridian to avoid the heat.

- 他们喜欢在午前锻炼,以避免高温。

7. The antemeridian fog made it difficult to see more than a few feet ahead.

- 午前的雾气使得看得比几英尺远困难。

8. Her energy levels are highest during the antemeridian hours.

- 她在午前的时间段精力最充沛。

9. The birds chirped loudly in the antemeridian calmness.

- 鸟儿在午前的宁静中大声啾啾叫。

10. We scheduled the flight for 9 AM, during the antemeridian period.

- 我们安排了上午9点的航班,在午前时间段。

11. The antemeridian darkness slowly gave way to the rising sun.

- 午前的黑暗慢慢被升起的太阳驱散。

12. He prefers to have his coffee in the antemeridian solitude of his study.

- 他喜欢在他研究室里午前的寂静中喝咖啡。

13. The antemeridian breeze carried the scent of fresh flowers.

- 午前的微风带着新鲜花朵的香气。

14. The students gathered in the hall during the antemeridian break.

- 学生们在午前休息期间聚集在大厅里。

15. The antemeridian routine involves checking emails and planning the day.

- 午前的常规包括查看邮件和计划今天的安排。

These sentences should give you a good understanding of how "antemeridian" is used in context, both in English and with Chinese explanations.

上一个 【英语】meridian的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】postmeridian的例句



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