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时间: 2024-10-05 20:52:31



1. She was known among her friends as a true bibliophilist, always surrounded by stacks of books. (她在朋友中以真正的书迷而闻名,总是被一堆堆的书籍包围着。)

2. As a dedicated bibliophilist, he spent every weekend hunting for rare editions in old bookstores. (作为一位专注的书迷,他每个周末都会在旧书店里寻找稀有的版本。)

3. The bibliophilist's collection included first editions from famous authors spanning centuries. (这位书迷的收藏包括了跨越几个世纪的著名作家的初版本。)

4. Many bibliophilists enjoy the hunt for forgotten literary treasures in obscure places. (许多书迷喜欢在偏僻的地方寻找被遗忘的文学珍宝。)

5. Her reputation as a bibliophilist was well-deserved, given her extensive library of rare manuscripts. (鉴于她拥有的大量稀有手稿,她作为一位书迷的声誉是当之无愧的。)

6. Being a bibliophilist, he couldn't resist adding another shelf to accommodate his growing book collection. (作为一名书迷,他忍不住又增加了一个书架来容纳他日益增长的藏书。)

7. The bibliophilist's passion for books extended beyond reading to preserving and cataloging them meticulously. (这位书迷对书籍的热爱不仅仅停留在阅读,还包括了精心保护和分类整理。)

8. Even as a child, she showed signs of becoming a bibliophilist, preferring books over toys. (即使在孩提时代,她就显示出成为一名书迷的迹象,更喜欢书籍而不是玩具。)

9. The bibliophilist's dream was to one day own a personal library that rivaled those of great scholars. (这位书迷的梦想是有朝一日拥有一座能与大学者们媲美的个人图书馆。)

10. As a bibliophilist, he cherished the smell of old books and the history they carried within their pages. (作为一名书迷,他珍爱古旧书籍的气味以及书页中蕴含的历史。)

11. The bibliophilist's dedication to collecting rare volumes earned him respect among fellow book enthusiasts. (这位书迷对收集稀有书籍的热情使他在同好中赢得了尊重。)

12. She turned her passion for reading into a career as a bibliophilist, advising collectors and libraries on acquisitions. (她把阅读的热情转化为了一种职业,成为了一名书迷,为收藏家和图书馆的收购提供建议。)

13. For the bibliophilist, there was no greater pleasure than stumbling upon an undiscovered gem in a dusty bookstore. (对书迷而言,没有比在灰尘满目的书店中偶然发现一颗未被发掘的珍宝更大的乐趣了。)

14. Her reputation as a bibliophilist spread throughout the literary community, attracting authors and scholars alike. (她作为一名书迷在文学界声名鹊起,吸引了作家和学者们的注意。)

15. The bibliophilist's commitment to sharing her knowledge of rare books made her a sought-after consultant. (这位书迷致力于分享她对稀有书籍的知识,使她成为一名备受追捧的顾问。)


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