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时间: 2024-09-10 05:40:02


1. After the breakdown of their relationship, they decided to go their separate ways. (他们的关系破裂后,他们决定各奔东西。)

2. The sudden breakdown of the car left us stranded in the middle of nowhere. (汽车突然抛锚,让我们困在了荒郊野外。)

3. The breakdown of the company was a result of poor management and financial mismanagement. (公司的破产是由于管理不善和财务管理失误造成的。)

4. She had a breakdown and was unable to cope with the pressure at work. (她崩溃了,无法应对工作的压力。)

5. The breakdown of communication between the two parties led to misunderstandings and conflicts. (双方沟通的中断导致了误解和冲突。)

6. The breakdown of the negotiations was a setback for both sides. (谈判的破裂对双方都是挫折。)

7. The emotional breakdown took a toll on her mental health. (情感崩溃对她的心理健康造成了影响。)

8. The breakdown of the computer system caused a major disruption in the office. (计算机系统的崩溃在办公室造成了严重的中断。)

9. He suffered a nervous breakdown after the death of his wife. (妻子去世后,他患上了神经衰弱。)

10. The breakdown of the family structure had a profound impact on the children. (家庭结构的崩溃对孩子们产生了深远的影响。)

11. The breakdown of trust between the two friends was irreversible. (两位朋友之间的信任破裂是无法挽回的。)

12. The breakdown of the peace talks was a blow to the hopes of resolving the conflict. (和平谈判的破裂对解决冲突的希望是一个打击。)

13. She had a breakdown and had to be hospitalized for a few weeks. (她崩溃了,不得不住院几个星期。)

14. The breakdown of law and order in the city led to widespread chaos and violence. (城市的法律和秩序崩溃导致了广泛的混乱和暴力。)

15. The breakdown of the old regime paved the way for a new era of political reform. (旧政权的崩溃为政治改革的新时代铺平了道路。)

16. The breakdown of the marriage was a painful experience for both parties. (婚姻的破裂对双方都是痛苦的经历。)

17. The breakdown of the machinery caused a delay in production. (机器的故障导致了生产的延误。)

18. The breakdown of the peace agreement led to renewed hostilities between the two countries. (和平协议的破裂导致了两国之间的敌对态势再次加剧。)

19. The breakdown of the economic system resulted in widespread poverty and unemployment. (经济体系的崩溃导致了普遍的贫困和失业。)

20. The breakdown of the bridge caused a traffic jam on the highway. (桥梁的崩溃导致了高速公路上的交通堵塞。)

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