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时间: 2024-10-05 20:46:24


1. We need to classify these documents according to their importance. 我们需要根据这些文件的重要性进行分类。

2. It can be difficult to classify some animals into specific categories. 有些动物很难归类到特定的类别中。

3. The library uses a system to classify books based on their subjects. 图书馆使用一种系统根据书籍的主题来分类。

4. Scientists classify stars based on their size, temperature, and brightness. 科学家根据恒星的大小、温度和亮度来分类。

5. It's important to classify expenses properly for tax purposes. 为了税务目的,正确分类费用非常重要。

6. The police need to classify the evidence they have collected in the investigation. 警方需要对他们在调查中收集到的证据进行分类。

7. They classify movies into different genres such as comedy, drama, and action. 他们将电影分类为不同的流派,如喜剧、戏剧和动作片。

8. In order to analyze the data effectively, we need to classify it into different groups. 为了有效地分析数据,我们需要将其分类到不同的组中。

9. It is important to classify the different types of customers that visit our store. 对于来我们商店的不同类型的顾客进行分类是很重要的。

10. The botanist spent years trying to classify a rare species of plant. 植物学家花了多年的时间试图对一种稀有的植物进行分类。

11. The teacher asked the students to classify the different types of rocks they had collected. 老师要求学生们对他们收集到的不同类型的岩石进行分类。

12. The software is able to automatically classify emails based on their content. 这个软件能够根据邮件的内容自动分类邮件。

13. It can be challenging to classify certain types of artifacts from ancient civilizations. 对于古代文明的某些类型的文物进行分类可能是具有挑战性的。

14. The museum has a team of experts who classify and catalog the artifacts in their collection. 博物馆有一组专家对他们收藏的文物进行分类和编目。

15. The biologist is working to classify a newly discovered species of insect. 生物学家正在努力对一种新发现的昆虫物种进行分类。

16. The software program is able to classify and organize large amounts of data quickly. 这个软件程序能够快速地对大量的数据进行分类和整理。

17. The company needs to classify its customers into different segments for marketing purposes. 公司需要将客户分成不同的细分市场,以便进行营销。

18. The scientist is trying to classify a new type of celestial body that has been observed. 科学家正在试图对一种新观察到的天体进行分类。

19. The students were asked to classify the different types of plants they saw on their field trip. 学生们被要求对他们在实地考察中看到的不同类型的植物进行分类。

20. The company needs to classify its inventory in order to track its products more efficiently. 公司需要对库存进行分类,以便更有效地追踪其产品。

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