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时间: 2024-09-28 22:52:31


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with "commandment" along with their Chinese translations:

1. He violated a fundamental commandment of the company by leaking sensitive information. (他违反了公司的一项基本规定,泄露了敏感信息。)

2. Keeping the Sabbath holy is one of the Ten Commandments. (守安息日是十诫之一。)

3. The teacher emphasized the commandment to respect others' opinions in the classroom. (老师强调了在课堂上尊重他人意见的规定。)

4. In this organization, punctuality is treated almost as a commandment. (在这个组织里,守时几乎被视为一种戒律。)

5. The commandment against stealing is universally recognized as essential for social harmony. (普遍认为,反盗窃的戒律对于社会和谐至关重要。)

6. Following the commandment to love one's neighbor can lead to a more compassionate society. (遵循爱邻舍的戒律可以促进更加富有同情心的社会。)

7. She broke the commandment of secrecy by revealing classified information. (她违反了保密的戒律,泄露了机密信息。)

8. Honoring one's parents is a commandment found in many cultures around the world. (尊敬父母是世界各地许多文化中都有的戒律。)

9. The commandment to forgive others is often challenging but necessary for personal growth. (宽恕他人的戒律通常很具挑战性,但对个人成长是必要的。)

10. The leader reminded everyone of the commandment to treat all team members with respect. (领导提醒大家要遵守对待所有团队成员的尊重戒律。)

11. Obeying traffic laws is seen as a civic commandment in urban areas. (在城市地区,遵守交通法规被视为一种公民戒律。)

12. The commandment against gossiping helps maintain a positive atmosphere in the workplace. (反八卦的戒律有助于在工作场所保持积极的氛围。)

13. Respecting the environment has become a modern commandment for sustainable living. (尊重环境已成为可持续生活的现代戒律。)

14. The commandment to do unto others as you would have them do unto you promotes empathy. (像对待自己一样对待他人的戒律促进了同理心。)

15. He adhered strictly to the commandment of honesty in all his business dealings. (他在所有的商业交易中都严格遵守诚实的戒律。)


上一个 【英语】biologically的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】commencement的例句



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