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时间: 2024-09-10 05:44:06


1. The novel had a compelling storyline that kept me turning the pages. 这部小说有一个引人入胜的故事情节,让我忍不住翻页。

2. The compelling evidence convinced the jury of the defendant's guilt. 令人信服的证据使陪审团相信被告的罪行。

3. Her argument was so compelling that I had to agree with her. 她的论点非常有说服力,我不得不同意她。

4. The movie's compelling visuals and powerful performances made it a must-see. 这部电影引人入胜的画面和强大的表演使它成为一部必看的电影。

5. The compelling need for change in the company's management was evident to all. 公司管理层变革的迫切需要对所有人都是显而易见的。

6. The compelling nature of the music drew me in and made me feel deeply moved. 音乐的感染力吸引了我,并使我深受感动。

7. The speaker gave a compelling argument for the need for environmental conservation. 演讲者提出了一个关于环境保护必要性的有力论点。

8. The documentary presented a compelling case for the existence of extraterrestrial life. 这部纪录片提出了关于外星生命存在的有力论据。

9. The compelling beauty of the sunset took my breath away. 日落的迷人美丽让我惊叹不已。

10. The compelling urgency of the situation demanded immediate action. 情况的迫切性要求立即采取行动。

11. His compelling performance in the play earned him rave reviews. 他在戏剧中令人印象深刻的表演赢得了好评。

12. The compelling force of the tornado destroyed everything in its path. 龙卷风的强大力量摧毁了它所到之处的一切。

13. The compelling need for better education in underprivileged communities cannot be ignored. 对贫困社区更好教育的迫切需要是不容忽视的。

14. The compelling truth of the matter left no room for doubt. 事情的真相令人信服,毫无疑问。

15. The compelling aroma of the freshly baked bread drew customers into the bakery. 新鲜烤制的面包散发出的迷人香味吸引了顾客进入面包店。

16. The compelling argument for renewable energy sources is hard to ignore. 可再生能源的有力论点难以忽视。

17. The compelling need for social justice spurred the community to take action. 对社会正义的迫切需要激励着社区采取行动。

18. The compelling performance of the lead actor captivated the audience. 主演令人印象深刻的表演吸引了观众。

19. The compelling evidence against the suspect led to his conviction. 针对嫌疑人的有力证据导致了他的定罪。

20. The compelling beauty of the landscape left a lasting impression on me. 风景的迷人美丽给我留下了深刻印象。

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